Let us view this from a neutral viewpoint and rise above
Is it good to use the name of Goddess for killing a dove
Or for that matter any innocent living being for taste
Isnt this name put forth in thoughtlessness and haste
How can the protector of all beings endorse killing for a deal
One can even survive if he/she eats a simple veg meal
Yet how will the world survive it all meat is put to ban
What will happen to those who are meat’s die hard fan
So what is the answer to this dilemma, to be or not to be
Isnt it a cause for worry, to celebrate at a note such glee
Its for sure that the Divine Mother wont endorse killing in Her name
Neither would She like anyone to use Her name for gain and fame
Its a request to whoever has opened this shop anywhere on this Earth
To at least respect the devotion, even if not in a specific religion is his birth
Let us not make this an issue of religion but only let us generally talk
There must be a mid way acceptable to all, let us find that way or chalk