We dedicate this article to Devi Brahmacharini, one of the forms of Navdurga. On the second day of Navratri Devi Brahmacharini is worshipped. Worshipping Devi Brahmacharini can immensely bless the devotees and ensure peace and happiness.
The ruling planet of Devi Brahmacharini is mangal. Mangal is the provider of all fortunes. This is exactly why Devi Brahmacharini is worshipped so that she bestows the devotees with all the fortune that they can ever think of. If your Mangal is weak then you must please Devi Brahmacharini so that your luck improves and you get success in whatever you do.
Devi Brahmacharini is always seen walking barefoot. She wears a white saree and has two hands. In her left hand she carries a kamandal and in the right hand she carries a jap mala. Goddess Parvati was born to Daksha Prajapati. She was named Sati. She in her unmarried form is worshipped as Devi Brahmacharini. Sati was a great devotee of Lord Shiva and she did a very rigorous penance to get Lord Shiva as her husband. This is why she was named Brahmacharini. It is said that for thousand years she lived on the diet of fruits and another thousand years she survived on flowers. Last hundred years of her penance Sati survived only on leafy vegetables. All this while she would sleep on the floor and live outdoors no matter how harsh the weather was. After all this effort she did get Lord Shiva as her husband but Sati had to immolate herself as her father Prajapati Daksha was against her marriage with Lord Shiva. Before her death Sati prayed that in her next life she should get a father who will respect her husband Lord Shiva.
These are some details that we thought must be shared with our readers on Devi Brahmacharini on this auspicious occasion of Navratri.
The stuti to worship Devi Brahmacharini is –
“Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Maa Brahmacharini Rupen Sansthita , Namasthasyi Namasthasyi Namo Namah”
This must be recited for nine times to worship the Goddess and invoke Her blessings.