Today as we remember the Shaheedi Dihara of this great soul
Tears come into the eyes if you hear story of His martyrdom whole
He was a benevolent Saintly King who endured sufferings for us all
It was due to his sacrifices, that with pride we can stand tall
He was forced by Jahangir to convert and His life he will spare
Yet He remained unmoved, no one could change Him, no one dare
He was a true sikh who gave up his life for the sake of all His praja
He did not even blink an eye, all tortures were done, so much saja
We salute this Saint who was the 5th in lineage of Gurus so great
Without the likes of Him imagine what would have been our fate
Let us remind ourselves on this day, not to give up in face of fear
For even at the cost of our lives, we should hold on to what is dear
WaheGuruji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh