Once we grow up and we do not even realize
We think we were born strong, brave and wise
Seldom do we remember that we were tender leaves
It is them who protected us, build our life by weaves
Now that we have grown strong and they have gone frail
We do not remember our roots, so busy are we in our blazing trail
Yet remember even if walking in the forest, treat the dried leaves with care
Thinking that they are useless, dont you think so, dont even dare
For life is like a cycle, very soon you will too reach that stage
You will repent later, if you do not control your rage
If you forget your roots, your entire journey will be a waste
You need time to ponder over to realize this, not just in haste
You have been warned, it is upto you to consider it or just ignore
That is the only advice and a golden one, I would say no more