Many times people do wrong and we hold revenge in our heart for later
We do not realize that we are building a block for our own path, a crater
If you want to take real revenge, just forget and forgive whoever did wrong
For it you do so, you will feel much better, you will emerge willful and strong
Otherwise you will keep rotating in the same circle like a frog in a small well
You will not be able to get out of those thoughts, you will create another hell
But if you forgive and move on with your life, you will progress and shine
It will reflect the good in you, that you are basically not a demon but Divine
Even otherwise whether you forgive or not, the karma law will play its part
No one can escape the results of actions, no one has been ever so smart
So what is the fun ruining your own life, when you do not need to bother
Just free yourself from the revenge bondage, do not choke yourself nor smother
Infact Pray for those who wrong you, for that will bring forth the positive in all
Then only you will feel elated and light, then only you will feel proud and stand tall