As the world moves towards a more materialistic mode, the meaning of love changed
The entity so pure and so innocent, just got converted to lust, just so much deranged
The so called modern generation does not know what Laila Majnu for what they stood
It is so painful to know all they know is about physical attraction under the desecrating hood
Even the Sufi Saints sing of Love that is the only the purest force in the world such great
That is the only thing which can save this world when it is so full of anger and mindless hate
True love is from the soul it automatically transcends all boundaries of space and time
Only one with the purest emotion can understand this secret, so deep and so sublime
The rest are only fooling themselves for it does not have room for any slightest doubt
It just happens no matter what the external appearance, fat, slim, thin, lean or stout
Only a true love can survive the onslaught of distance and it will get kindled by space
At the end of the day you will so proud of having gone through it, it will be just Grace
We salute those families those who stay apart yet remain so bound and attached
For it requires a resolve which is beyond the ordinary, it is not easily matched
The greater the love, the more it will grow, it will not extinguish despite of the storm
For that is the true sign of attachment, the sages say it is the one and only norm
When a sailor goes out in the wild wild sea, the family says dont worry just sail
We will brave this world, you brave the oceans, we are strong, we are not frail
When the solider goes out into the front and does not know if he shall return
The brave are always happy, go if you dont return, it will be next our turn
True love believes in freedom, only the low level minds can imagine a chain
For such low act, once has to be of lowest character and literally without a brain
The more you grow and expand, the entire universe will be at your beck and call
Then only can you imagine ever being in true love, you can certainly stand tall