On this day we wish our Gurus, mentors, guides and teachers
Those who show us the right path, knowledge givers n preachers
Gurus can be of any type, academic, professional or spiritual guide
From a true teacher, you gain all knowledge and nothing you can hide
It is true that some of the teachers bring disgrace to the entire clan
Yet majority are righteous and help you to chalk a bright future plan
There is another aspect of the teacher’s day which has to be seen
It is a different perspective, let me share it since you are so keen
Nobody is a teacher, nobody is a student, self sufficient is the soul
Each one is a student of the self, and remains so unless reaches the goal
So although you should respect the teachers, yet remember this fact
You are just playing a role, in this drama of life it is a temporary act
Depend on your own light to show you the way, not outside or others
Even though respect teachers like your elders, sisters or brothers