Life can be compared to a ciggie, just smoke it till the last puff
For what is the use if its half used, it would be just another bluff
Do not get the wrong message, for life cannot go up in smoke
If you actually smoke the ciggie, it will simply make you choke
Smoking here is a metaphor used to signify using it to the best
Just challenge yourself at every corner, put yourself to the test
Be passionate like a smoker, who wants to use till the last bit
But do not go near smoke or drink, if you want to be fine n fit
Before the light in life is extinguished, do not throw it in the bin
This attitude will help you stand up, through all the thick n thin
Whenever you feel the burden is more, and you cannot just walk
Sit down and remember the Divine, with Him just walk the talk
You will feel energized from the source, you will feel new life
This will help you overcome anything, no matter what the strife
Whatever you do, wherever you are, just make sure you burn
You can only get the nectar, if you do the manthan, just churn
Live life kingsize, never crib about your shortcomings or pain
Just believe in giving and helping, not just of your own gain
The universe will bless you abundantly, so just keep going
That the Divine force is within you, remember and be knowing