If you want to know and appreciate value of food
If you remember how last time you were rude
When the food was not cooked as per your taste
When you threw away the plate, just did waste
Just see these people who dont have anything to eat
They are ready to eat anything let alone rice or wheat
For them it is not taste or the presentation that matters
On seeing them even the hardest of heart goes shatters
Next time you think food is not fresh or properly cooked
Whenever you realize that to some dish you are hooked
Remember these people and thank God a million times
That you are getting to eat should ring the bell of chimes
If you forsake or waste food, just remember karma law
You never know what you might face for this insidious flaw
If you have plenty to eat just try whatever you can share
Have compassion on those on your food who just stare
Dont even expect anything good in return for He shall care
In this world of hunger, try sharing, dont be afraid just dare