Although all religions are equal but man has created barrier so much so that we sometimes find odd to enter the holy places of other religions. For example a non-Muslim might think he has no idea about Islamic Prayer times or practices or how to pray inside a Mosque. Let us try to clear this issue in our minds.
Firstly, though it doesnt need much introduction, still the Mosque is a place where the Muslims go to offer prayers. You will find different styles and shapes of Mosques across the world having influence of many architectural features from across the world.
A Common Myth
Many feel that non Islam followers cannot enter a Mosque. This is not true and the fact is anyone who wants to pray in a Mosque can enter it without any objection from the authorities. Just that you must ensure that you follow the rules of the Mosque or the Islamci Prayer time in case you happen to be at such hour so as not to disrespect the reverence of the place.
Imam In The Mosque
The Mosque will have a prayer leader who will lead the pray. This is a good practice but this is not always compulsory. The prayer leader is called the Imam. This person should be honest and have good knowledge of Islam. In the olden days when the kings would rule the nation the Imam was appointed by the king. Nowadays the Mosque authorities appoint the Imam. Some say that the person who built the Mosque has the maximum right to become the Imam though this may not be fully correct.
Types of Islamic Prayers
There are different types of prayers that happen in a Mosque. There are five daily prayers, Friday prayers and you will also have optional prayers. The Imam is must for the Friday prayer. This is because a lot of people come to the Mosque on Friday and they need to be controlled. On the other hand if there is no Imam on Friday then the prayer becomes invalid.
Most of the Mosques will definitely have an Imam on Friday. Male imam is allowed to manage the male devotees and women Imam are also appointed for handling the women devotees. A female imam cannot manage a male crowd. This is a rule that is followed by all Mosques across the world.
Preparations for Islamic Prayer Time
The Mosque must be clean. The devotees must ensure that they leave their shoes out of the Mosque whenever they go to pray. Mosque is the place of worship for the Muslims and it must be given the importance that it deserves. The cleaning process that the Muslims follow before they start praying in a Mosque is called wudu. It is advisable that you take a shower and then go to the Mosque. Prefer not to eat anything that smells before you enter the Mosque.
The clothes that you wear to the Mosque for praying must be simple and modest. Even if you are the king you must dress like a commoner and enter the Mosque. The clothes worn by men should be loose so that the shape of their body is not clear. The men must cover their heads. The women should wear lose clothes too. The whole body of the women must be covered till the wrist and the ankle. They must cover the head too.
The cloth used to cover the head is called hijab. So in case you are a non Muslim and you are planning to pray in a Mosque you too must follow this dress code. Else it will be an insult to the Mosque and its rules. No revealing clothes must be ever worn in the Mosque. The aim is that when a mass prayer is offered all should look the same. No one should look rich and poor as all are same in the eyes of Allah.
How to Pray in a Mosque?
If you are a non Muslim and you have entered a Mosque you must respect those who are offering prayers. If you do not understand the prayers just sit quietly and listen to all that is being said. If your presence or your talking disturbs those who are praying inside the Mosque then it will be considered a sin on your part. You must sit quietly and walk out only when the prayer is over. If you have the patience and you are mentally prepared to sit through the prayer session only then you can plan to visit a Mosque for praying.
Separate Sections for Men and Women
The Mosques will have different prayer hall for men and for women. The women are told to occupy the rows after the men have occupied theirs. In some mosques the prayer halls are in different areas. If you are new to a Mosque you must keep this in mind as you enter and ensure that you are entering the gender specific area.
The Muslims sit on the floor as they pray. They kneel down and sit on the floor. The Muslims must touch the ground with their forehead as they offer prayer to the god. Both men and women pray in this manner. There are some Mosques that do not allow women to enter as they believe that Prophet Muhammad himself did not want women to enter the Mosques. However, this is not true. Prophet Muhammad did say that women should pray in their homes as he thought that coming to Mosques may make them vulnerable to sexual harassment.
Even in Mecca which is the most important religious place for the Muslims there is a different section made for the women and children. The children are allowed to enter the Mosques as long as they do not disturb the decorum of the place and follow the rules of the Mosque. This is why very small children are not taken to Mosques.
We hope that this article on how to pray in a Mosque will help you to understand the importance of the Mosque and what are the points that you must keep in mind as you enter the Mosque. Do check all these points as you enter the Mosque.
Visiting the Mosque will definitely be a very good experience for you. It is awesome to see how so many people gather in the Mosques and pray regularly. It is a site that you will not see in any other place of religious importance. Some people feel that as they are non Muslims they may be insulted in a Mosque or they may be in danger when they enter the Mosque. All this is not true. You just follow the points that we have mentioned in this article and you will definitely be able to have a pleasant experience in a Mosque. Most important is to be spiritual even more than being religious and if you enter a Mosque with pious intentions, Allah will certainly bless you abundantly.