Do you eat meat? We are not one of those who urge you in the name of Heaven or Hell to avoid meat but least be human and think about the animals, if you have any pet, that how would it feel if your pet was slaughtered for someone’s bon appetite. Think again.
Given below is a description from a person who actually worked in a slaughter house in Iowa where supposedly the killings are done in the most “merciful” manner.
There is a mention of rakshasas in mythology but arent we, who eat living things for fun are real rakshasas.
Poem by a “Cow”
Baba white cow, have you any meat
Yes sir yes sir with all the drinks neat
One of the pet dog you owned and one of the neighbourhood cow
It will cook so yummy, you will eat and say wow, soo wow
When near the cutting blade I think who is an animal without grace
Is this the species who call themselves the great and gifted human race
I heard they say that a person has to pass through various life forms
So why they preach compassion while for us they have different norms
Nature made all things so good, such fruits, vegetables selling in the street
Why do they have to kill and eat us, whenever they have to give a treat
It will take ages before the humans actually become what they claim
In the meantime they are worse than us, even with brains they are just lame