Before I Go

Before I Go

When i think about life, it is a great mystery to solve

Even if i want to live, i cannot decide neither have the resolve

Pain and grief seem to surround all around despite the efforts best

It needs an iron will to survive through this and the greatest of zest

At the same time something within is now very calm despite the storm

It feels something it at ease, even when everything is shrouded and torn

Such is the mystery of life, its meaning becomes clear when it is nearing end

The simple joys and virtues are realized, when near are the angels He send

At the material plane it all seems nearing the end, whatever i held so dear

Yet there does not seem to be any loss, neither do i have any fear

This is a strange experience, the inevitable end to the journey seems within reach

Yet the sense of immortality still exists within, in that hope there is no breach

When Lord Krishna explains in the Gita about the never ending soul

Perhaps I dimly realize why He said it is the ultimate and grandest goal

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