We have been studying the tutorials related to horoscope reading and have covered from the very basics of astrology till the previous third tutorial which dealt with 6th, 7th and 8th houses. Now we go further and study about 9th-10th houses and the planets Jupiter and Saturn
Permanent 9th house
Beginning of fate
It is the house of inherited fate, ancestral property, Malefic Mars and Venus or Mercury is bad and debilitating in this house. Saturn, Ketu or any Masculine planet is beneficial. Jupiter is the Kingpin. It also governs religious piety; good morals, righteous conduct, purify of mind, auspicious happenings, charity, and visit to holy places, ancestral houses, present life and life in the previous birth, blessings of parents and grandparents and their long span of life.
If exalted Jupiter is alone in this house, it is like a phoenix (Huma in Urdu – a legendary bird) or swan which confers royal and exalted status on him.
- NO.9 marks the foundation and beginning of fate.
- When no.3 and 5 are vacant, no.9 fate is awakened by no. 2.
- When a dormant planet of the birth chart occupies no. 9, becomes awake and active and it gives good results from that year to the end of its life span. Examples are:
- Sun in no. 8 in the horoscope occupies no. 9 during 22nd year in the annual chart; its good effects will be visible for 22 years i.e. up to 44th years.
- Mars no. 2 in the horoscope occupies the 9th house during 28th year in the annual chart, its good effects will be visible from 28th year to 56th year i.e., for 28 years.
- Jupiter no. 2 in the horoscope occupies the 9th house during 16th in the annual chart, its good effects will be visible from 16th year to 32tndyear i.e., for 16 years
- Moon no.10 in the horoscope occupies the 9th house during 24th year in the annual chart, its good effects will be visible from 36th year to 72nd year i.e., for 36 years.
- Ketu no. 8 in the horoscope occupies the 9th house during 48th year in the annual chart, its good effects will be visible from 48th year to 96th year i.e., for 48 years.
- Rahu no.4 in the horoscope occupies the house during 42nd year in the annual chart, its good effects will be visible from 42nd year to 84th year i.e., for 42years.
- Venus no.12 in the horoscope will occupy the 9th house in the 25th year and will give bad results only during the 25th year if it is adversely aspected by no. 3 or 5. Otherwise it will confer good results.
- Mercury if malefic in no. 3 will give bad effect from 17th year the 34th year i.e., 17 years. It will occupy house no. 9 in the 17th year.
If the 10th house is adversely affected by malefic stars the whole horoscope is full of blind stars. All stars become malefic even though Saturn may be exalted. It is the field of action, if good and benefic, man gets all the pleasures such as Fathers’ blessings, house, property, and if debilitated he is cunning sly, mean and deceitful like a wounded snake. Mars in this house is exalted.
It governs kingdoms, status, rank, and position of authority, means of livelihood, field of action, reputation, and general success in life, distinction, thighs, trade and commerce.
- The planet occupying house no.10 in the annual chart is the planet of deception, which can both be good or bad. If no. 8 is malefic, it will be doubly bad and if no. 2 is benefic, it will be doubly benefic. If no.8 and 2 are vacant, the planet of 3, 5,11 will be helpful and if all these are also vacant the final verdict will be with Saturn – good or bad.
- If no. 10 is occupied by mutually opposed planets, such a horoscope is a blind horoscope i.e., like a blind man feeling its way with a stick. In that event Moon will be the deciding factor. If Moon is benefic the results are good, otherwise bad.
- If no. 10 is vacant no.4 will be dormant and asleep. Such a man must get the blessings of his parents and donate articles of food to blind persons.
- The results of Rahu, ketu or Mercury are doubtful in this house. In that case, if Saturn is benefic, results are doubly benefic; otherwise doubly bad.