By Deepak Chopra on November 4, 2018
Dhanteras, Diwali Puja, significance of Dhanteras
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

Dhanteras this year will be celebrated on 5 November 2018. It is one of the most significant days in the Hindu calendar and comes on the thirteenth day of the dark fortnight of Kartik month. It always falls in October or November. A day or two before the Diwali is Dhanteras. For today the auspicious […]
By Deepak Chopra on January 28, 2018
horrors of war

Whenever two nations are on the brink of war, there is a storm of emotions Each and everyone has their own opinion, atmosphere is flooded with notions Yet no one thinks from the perspective of a small child, one who knows no fear For whom the entire humanity is his friend, and everyone is equally […]
By Deepak Chopra on September 2, 2017
Happy Bakr-Id 2016

On this day of Bakr-Id we wish all our Muslim brethren the happinest & very best They are such a warrior tribe, though many times they have been put to severe test Let happiness spread in your homes, this is the wish from all of us on the day Let our brotherhood be maintained and […]
By Deepak Chopra on December 23, 2016

Memories are one of the most wonderful gifts of nature These are what give life to the otherwise soulless caricature It is upto you to remember all good that happened to you or vice You are free to make a choice, as you wont get same life twice When the body incarnates from one form […]
By Deepak Chopra on December 11, 2016
The Secret of Champions

A champion does not fall from the sky, he/she is from among us folks He/she is the one who is serious to the brim, yet also smiles on jokes You dont need to have the best equipment or training, though it does help The main thing that you need is an iron will, despite all […]
By Deepak Chopra on November 30, 2016
Saints & Deities

Just feel the serenity and solitude of this holy place It is only at such monuments that you can get the Grace Away from the hustle and bustle its time to dive bit deep Just remove from your mind, the thoughts present in heap Lord Shiva can be seen and felt in this peaceful retreat […]
By Deepak Chopra on September 28, 2016
Dream beyond dreams, The Eternal Goal

Everyone’s got a dream, it is only whether we realize it or not It all depends whether to fulfill it we give a try and our best shot People will usually discourage you, very few will motivate They will judge you wrongly, they will surely underestimate The wise and the determined do not fall for […]
By Deepak Chopra on March 6, 2016
Care For The Elders

It might not be true for all but these cases are certainly on the rise People seem to be going materialistic, turning blind to wise advice It has been written in the scriptures that you treat elders with all care Dont even think of mistreating them, be afraid of His wrath, dont even dare Yet […]
By Deepak Chopra on February 21, 2016

The shop of this widow lady who has 2 girl kids to take care of, was burnt during the recent riots in Jaat reservation case. It is really a shame that some unscrupulous elements cause so much havoc in the society causing irreparable damage to normal lives. Agitation might seem a good way to get […]
By Deepak Chopra on December 11, 2015
martyr or lair
News and Updates

We at Metaphysics Knowledge do not usually get involved in news and gossip but we are putting forth a post on this topic as we believe its a question of truth, sensitivity and karmas – all intermingled in a complex web. Now with the judgement of the Honourable Court in place we are not saying […]