Kriya Yoga Technique From YSS SRF Perspective

Kriya Yoga Technique From YSS SRF Perspective

We are reposting this article on the pious occasion of the Birth Anniversary of Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasaya Ji, who was second in the lineage of Gurus who spread Kriya Yoga in the modern era, a science which was lost from popular culture after its ancient glory. Kriya Yoga techniques refer to a set of […]

Dont Hit Animals, Dont Harm Them

Dont Hit Animals, Dont Harm Them

Dont hit animals for they are having a genuine and pure soul At least give them a crumb, even if you cannot give bread whole The pundits say humans are superior, but seldom is this seen The day people become human, that day to see I am keen People hit and hurt a stray animal […]

Mother’s Day: A Reality Check

Mother’s Day: A Reality Check

Today as the world celebrates The Mother’s Day, it is time to do a reality check and see how the society has changed and what is the status and position of senior citizens in general, females to be more particular and specifically the Mothers, who occupy a special role and position in any society and […]

Faith Healing: Fact or Fiction

Faith Healing: Fact or Fiction

As the title of the post says it all – Faith Healing – we will try to discuss this matter in the most logical and rational way possible. I dont use the word “scientific” way since it would push away many a reader who simply cannot digest that science and faith can ever find a […]