By Ankush Dogra on August 3, 2016
freedom, Spirituality

Life is different for everyone, do not be in any competition or any race For each person the circumstances are different, everyone is a special case To be free from this rat race competition, you have to get in touch with base That happens when you see and feel the creator, actually face to face […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 21, 2016

People often engage in chatter but the Mahayogi is certainly a different breed Beyond all the duality of maya, neither belongs to any specific caste or creed Look at the Divine duo engrossed in spiritual discussion with so much ease When such knowledge is obtained, the questions and dualities simply cease Learn from the Lord […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 20, 2016
Indian Army Day 19 June 2016

While we celebrated one of the most important traditions in the form of Guru Purnima on 19 July 2016, we would also like to say that most of us are not aware that it is also the Indian Army Day for the year. Of course being a spiritual channel, some people might be surprised at […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 17, 2016
home, time

जब चारों तरफ अंधेरा हो मान निरशयों ने घेरा हो तब मान में अटल विश्वास को भर प्रार्थना कर, प्रार्थना कर When darkness prevails and seems to be elongated like hell When there is no respite in site, it is the sureshot sign to tell That the tunnel is the darkest but you do not […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 17, 2016
God, love

God is love, so say the learned, the Saints and the sages This phrase has been used to describe Him since ages In the state of love, all you do is going to be always good This idiom has been there, the test of time it has stood Yet there is a subtle difference between […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 16, 2016
tide, time

Most of us are wasting our lives and precious moments in matters so petty and mundane That if we were to realize our fault, we will see how we have been so mad and insane Time and tide wait for none, the clock keeps ticking and it never does stop So if you want to […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 15, 2016
eternal traveler

These few lines are dedicated to our NRI friends who have left home and hearth for bread, butter and gone to seemingly green pastures. We often keep receiving letters and emails from such friends who are searching for solace. Life is an amazing journey, we always want to travel far and wide It is a […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 6, 2016
poor, rich

We who usually have everything in life that one can possibly ever need Can hardly imagine how superior are those who dont have guarantee of next feed Yet we say we are rich, and they are poor, what a paradoxical state of affair It is they who never leave their kith and kin alone in […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 6, 2016
body, soul

Most of us try to decorate our bodies with perfumes and clothes which are best Yet this body is only temporal, it does not stand the rigorous time test Still we forget this fact and try to adore and pacify our bodily desires and passion Such huge is this industry, which adores the temporal body, […]
By Ankush Dogra on June 15, 2016
inner gate

Good relations are like the hands of a clock, dont meet often but connected they stay For each one has his own path to follow, for each soul there is a unique way Even that we call a lifetime of unity is just minuscule on the scale of the universe Often people do not realize […]