By Ankush Dogra on June 6, 2016

There is no distance known as far for those who can dream If you keep churning and yearning, milk will convert to cream Just make sure your dreams do not fade away as you wake For it is certainly not a bed of roses, neither is it a piece of cake You will need to […]
By Ankush Dogra on May 20, 2016

Sometimes life is very harsh, hard and rude, with hardly a respite in sight That you often think of ending it all, troubled by life, to end the plight It seems an easy way out, for there would be no struggles, nor any pain Yet even if you have decided, just take a moment to […]
By Ankush Dogra on May 20, 2016
faith, infinite patience

The world is always in a hurry, hardly has anyone got any time to spare They expect the same from the creator, who thinks of all, really does care Infinite patience is the hallmark of faith, so say the wise over the ages This is the wisdom of the learned, all the ancient rishees and […]
By Ankush Dogra on February 24, 2015
Immanuel Kant
News and Updates
By Ankush Dogra on February 19, 2015
devil bird, sri lanka
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By Ankush Dogra on February 19, 2015
haunted doll
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By Ankush Dogra on February 18, 2015
Bhagwati Jagran, Jai Mata Di
News and Updates

All the followers of Maa Bhagwati in Essex County, Massachusetts are requested to be present at the Darbar on the above mentioned timings. This is being organized by Sri Durga Temple Group
By Ankush Dogra on February 18, 2015
ghosts, news, spirits
News and Updates

At Metaphysics Knowledge we do not intend to promote the belief whether ghosts and spirits exist, as it is a matter of individual belief and experience, we have just forwarded a news as reported in mainstream press.
By Ankush Dogra on February 14, 2015
News and Updates
By Ankush Dogra on February 12, 2015
reincarnation news
News and Updates

News Courtesy: Collective-Evolution Website