By Ankush Dogra on October 5, 2012
Rig, Sama, Vedanta, Vedic civilization, Yajur and Atharva Veda

Vedas are the most ancients’scriptures of India. Originally written in Sanskrit, Veda if translated means knowledge. We all know that Hindu religion is greatly influenced by these texts. It is said that Vedas were heard they are not something that was originally created by the human beings. That’s why they are called Sruti. They are […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 22, 2012
astrology, broken fate line, palm reading
Astrology, Miscellaneous

Fate line as the name itself signifies is a line that foretells our fate and destiny. It is a very important line on our palm. It is found as a straight line that crosses the head and heart line. The clarity and the length of this line say a lot about our life and what […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 10, 2012
aquarius, zodiac signs

Aquarius is the eleventh sign in the zodiac cycle. Anyone who is born between the dates of 21st January to 19th February will be an Aquarian by sun sign. In Vedic astrology a person born under the influence of the planet Uranus is an Aquarian as per their time of birth, and this becomes their moon sign. It has […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 10, 2012
astrology, Gemini, zodiac signs

It is the third sign in the zodiac cycle. It is represented by twins. If you are born between 22nd May and 21st June you will have the sun sign of Gemini. In India we calculate moon sign as per the planetary positions at the time of birth. In case you were born under the influence of planet mercury […]
By Ankush Dogra on February 1, 2012
Losing the Soul
Miscellaneous, Prophetic Visions

Losing the soul is quite easily mistaken by the modern person to be associated with business or just inability to maintain a stable or controlled mental functionality. “The soul” has in the modern world lost its aesthetic meaning and transformed to be understood and be used more as a phrase. For the metaphysics believer the […]
By Ankush Dogra on November 28, 2011
Clairvoyance, Clairvoyance Abilities
Miscellaneous, Prophetic Visions

Before one is able to control or use his clairvoyance abilities the person must be able to understand what the term clairvoyance. Clairvoyance abilities are possessed by most human being but as time has passed most of us have lost the ability to control the power thus gradually losing it. Clairvoyance can simply be termed […]
By Ankush Dogra on November 26, 2011
metaphysics, Metaphysics Knowledge

The word metaphysics knowledge is derived of two words ‘Meta’ meaning before and after whereas the word ‘physics’ meaning our body or the surroundings. It is the study of our life before and after, we were created or we die. It is the inner essence or the feeling which can be used to know all […]
By Ankush Dogra on November 15, 2011
Palmistry- Ring Finger
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

Palmistry has studied the hand and fingers and most importantly the ring finger to determine different finger and hand aspects that determine the nature and personality of a person. The length, thickness, rigidity among other aspects are all important clues to determining a person’s nature, each finger in turn is read to tell a different […]
By Ankush Dogra on November 14, 2011
breathing exercise pranayama, pranayama, Pranayama Breathing Exercises

Pranayama breathing exercises plays the most important role in one’s body because we cannot live without breathing for more than 3 to 4 minutes at most, improvement of your breathing can be done by practicing pranayama breathing exercises that help the lungs inhale air and receive exercise using different technique which improve lung strength and […]
By Ankush Dogra on November 9, 2011
What is a Soul

So deeply engraved the soul lies in our mind that few consider asking what is a soul ? But maintain the strong relation to it passed down the generations, depicting that everybody has one that is directly linked to the spiritual world. Science contradicts the belief that the soul exists but this has not deterred […]