By Ankush Dogra on October 14, 2011
astrology, aura, aura color, Aura sight, auric sight, color and spiritual thoughts, dirty colors, your own aura

To perceive and see Aura we need to increase the sensitivity of our eyes and improve our coordination between left and right hemisphere in our brain. We have noticed that children see aura much easier than adult because their central vision is not damaged yet but when he starts going to school he gets trained […]
By Ankush Dogra on August 27, 2011
aura, colors, How To Improve Aura

Aura is an energy field of any living or non-living being, which puts an effect on everything which comes in the contact with it. There are times when we instantly like people we meet and at times we do not like some people fro no apparent reason. This all happens due to aura color vibrations. […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 30, 2011
astrology, computers in astrology, education in astrology
Astrology is one of the oldest professions since the dawn of human civilization. No one can deny the fact that it used to take hours to do all those calculations to generate a reliable report from client’s horoscope by hand but the use of computers in astrology has greatly reduced the time. In this era […]
By Ankush Dogra on June 23, 2011
fire hand, hand of fire, palmistry, spatulate hand, type of palm in palmistry

The Fire Hand can be described as an oblong or rectangular shaped palm with short digits. They appear broad at the wrist but they become wider towards the finger tips, however this may be vice-versa at times. The Fire Hand is also called the spatulate hand. One of the most prominent features of this hand […]