By Butler Usha on June 16, 2018
Happy Eid

Metaphysics Knowledge wishes all our Muslim brethren across the world A Very Happy Eid *********************************************************** It is one of the greatest festival which is celebrated on this Earth With so many followers of Islam this is symbol of a pious faith birth We wish you a very happy Eid, may Allah shower blessings on you […]
By Butler Usha on October 12, 2017
ciggie, life, smoke

Life can be compared to a ciggie, just smoke it till the last puff For what is the use if its half used, it would be just another bluff Do not get the wrong message, for life cannot go up in smoke If you actually smoke the ciggie, it will simply make you choke Smoking […]
By Butler Usha on August 29, 2017
crying, trying

If you keep trying, you will surely reach the goal Even if the ambition is sky high, the star of pole It is only how much and how long you can endure Before you quit thinking impossible and insecure But if you dont quit and just continue to work Neither you are afraid, neither exertion […]
By Butler Usha on July 30, 2017
keep walking

Be always on your feet, just keep walking all the time Make life as exciting as possible like a lovely rhyme The path of life will present all sorts of twists n curves Make sure you keep cool and never loose your nerves It is not good enough to simply exist since your birth You […]
By Butler Usha on April 18, 2017
birth, life

When life teaches you new lessons night and day Sometimes you just get bit frustrated and you say Why the heck are you teaching me so much Who has time to spend centuries here as such We are all here for a short duration of few decades The illusion of permanency here are all facades […]
By Butler Usha on March 20, 2017
World Sparrow Day 2017

Let us pledge on this day that we will do our own very little bit If we have to save this lovely bird, we cannot just watch and sit The sparrows are dying, due to man made phenomenon, becoming rare If you want to keep them alive, just act and show that you worry and […]
By Butler Usha on March 9, 2017
farmers, nature

The moment the word farmer comes to our mind, we imagine a person who is totally at the mercy of nature as if the Mother Nature is some cruel official and the farmer is a helpless individual. There is certainly some element of truth to it but going deeper we will realize that actually it […]
By Butler Usha on September 7, 2016
The animal farm

Humans have to learn a lot from the innocent animals so mature Even if they seem dangerous they are innocent, and very pure It is only to defend themselves they rarely or seldom bite Unlike humans who cut other throats just for a petty kite When people are busy forgetting humanity day by day Love […]
By Butler Usha on April 10, 2016
Kabristan, Physical Self

When you feel elated and on top of the world, there is nothing wrong As long as you are in tune with nature, and sing the eternal song But the moment you start to feel egoistic and proud in your life That is the moment you open the doors for trouble and strife If you […]
By Butler Usha on March 8, 2016
Happy Women's Day 2016

A woman is the best creation of nature, she is so strong yet so tender Yet over the ages, she has been the subject of discrimination of gender She gives birth by bearing so much pain, cares for kids the entire life She plays multiple roles of a loving mother, sister, friend and wife Let […]