By Butler Usha on March 2, 2016

When a realized soul reaches the final destination in the form of Samadhi, it is time to leave for another world, not in the manner in which we understand but from a different perspective altogether. When the time to go is approaching and soon it will come very near It would mean the end of […]
By Butler Usha on February 21, 2016
Time Heals Everything

Life is not always smooth but often filled with ups and downs over the years Sometimes it gives you reason to be elated, many times its full of tears Yet we often forget the good times, while bad times continue to haunt us forever While the good times are seldom remembered, even if think we […]
By Butler Usha on February 21, 2016
Before I Die

In these modern times, we have all become too busy in our own This is one of the results of modern life whose seeds we only have sown We often do not meet our loved ones for years, albeit even for ages Yet in the end we will just regret, so say the wise and […]
By Butler Usha on September 12, 2015

We can fool the world by taking on an artificial smile Yet we cannot dupe the universe, no, not even for a while Thoughts and feelings you have in your mind manifest as energy The combined effect of what people think creates such a synergy So just watch your thoughts for what a real impact […]
By Butler Usha on August 12, 2015

Wars are fought in the name of religion all across the place What is this wrath which in the name of religion we have to face Does religion actually cause loss of life and brings grevious harm Where has the glory gone, why has it lost its charm That’s because true religion is equal to […]
By Butler Usha on January 5, 2015
Autobiography Of A Yogi, famous book, Mukunda Lal Ghosh, Sri Paramhansa, Swami Yukteshwar Giri, Yogada Satsanga society
Metaphysical Books

The Autobiography of a Yogi is a famous book authored written by Sri Paramhansa Ji (1983-1952). He was a great saint who was born in the city of Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh. He developed an interest in spirituality from a very young age and was always on the lookout for a Guru who could guide […]
By Butler Usha on December 12, 2014
motion sickness, natural remedies, yoga asanas

Yes, yoga can help you deal with motion sickness. Motion sickness is a problem that is faced by many people across the world. There are many remedies that you can try for motion sickness. One very effective and proved way to prevent motion sickness is yoga If a person in the family has motion sickness […]
By Butler Usha on December 9, 2014
vital center

The following 26 are the vital centres provided in the human body. Soles, Calves,Thighs, Genital Organ, Navel, Heart, Lungs, Shoulders, Right palm, hand & shoulder, Left palm, hand & shoulder, Eyes, Ears, Mouth, Nose, Eye brows Care of Vital Centers We all know a lot about these centres and yet we do not reflect over […]
By Butler Usha on November 21, 2014
Baba Rampal

Dear friends, this is an editorial on the recent incident related to Baba Rampal. Normally it is seen that most of sites which operate in the metaphysical realm tend to shy away from discussing such incidents but we are here to discuss it with an open mind. Given below is a video which discusses the […]
By Butler Usha on August 23, 2014
Cross, Jesus Christ

Prelude: Even before you start reading this, let us clarify that we do not wish to offend any particular religion, culture or faith. Rather on the contrary, we at Metaphysics Knowledge always believe in the universality of all religions and try to find the connecting dots which make the complete picture. We all know that Jesus […]