By Butler Usha on June 19, 2014
holy images

People often ask have this question that should holy photos be in bedroom? There are many theories that have been presented in this regard. We will try to discuss some aspects of why or why not holy photos should be kept in the bedrooms. From holy photos we mean the photos of places that have […]
By Butler Usha on June 7, 2014
spirit healing, spiritual
Strange but True

We live very stressful lives today. There are so many concerns and troubles that bother us. Spirit healing is the new therapy that people are taking to in order to live a better and a stress free life. There are many centres across the world that helps people to live a better live with the […]
By Butler Usha on June 1, 2014
holy places, Online quiz
Do You Know?

Religion and holy places are closely interlinked and each religion and faith of the world has its own list of important places which are normally referred to as holy places. For example there is Jerusalem for Christians, Mecca for Muslims, Mathura for Krishna lovers and Golden Temple for Sikhs. We usually are very familiar with […]
By Butler Usha on April 13, 2014
animism, Spirituality
Strange but True

We are not sure if you have heard the term Animism. It is a form of religion that is followed worldwide. The term Animism comes from a Latin word. It believes that God lives in living things like plants and animals. Animism also states that non living things also have a spiritual essence. Some say […]
By Butler Usha on December 17, 2013
Bible, Christmas, forgiveness
Featured, Miscellaneous, Religion, Spirituality

Forgiveness is one question that has always risen in our minds for we often get hurt. What makes forgiveness difficult is that it does not come easily to us. Every time we are hurt and in pain we shrink in an impulse to safeguard ourselves.
By Butler Usha on October 12, 2013
Bible Verses for Inspiration, Biblical Studies
Beliefs, Featured, Miscellaneous

The Holy Bible is the most important scripture of the Christians and can be compared to the likes of Bhagwat Gita in Hinduism or the Holy Quran in Islam.
By Butler Usha on October 10, 2013
Indian Goddess Durga, Significance of Navratris
Featured, Miscellaneous, Spirituality

Navratris festivals are going on and we have published several posts related to worship of Goddess Durga and keeping fast and so forth. In today’s discussion we will take a look from the spiritual perspective and see the significance of worshiping Indian Goddess Durga during the navratris beyond the custom and tradition and also see […]
By Butler Usha on September 16, 2013
Ajmer Sharif, Nau Gaza Peer, Peer Baba Ji
Featured, Miscellaneous, Saints & Deities

A peer (also spelled as pir) refers to a spiritually advanced person and is given a very high reverence in society, or at least was given. There are several places of spiritual importance where the physical bodies of the peers are placed and that is considered a very sacred place. One such place of importance […]
By Butler Usha on December 12, 2012
Kundalini Shakti, Parmatma, yoga

Shakti means power. It is the strength that we all have to do the impossible. We will now discuss about a very lesser known form of Shakti called the Kundalini Shakti and how to awaken Kundalini Shakti. This Shakti or power is present in our body itself. It is an energy that can be located […]
By Butler Usha on December 5, 2012
Bhog, Dhhak, Dhunuchi, Jagaddharthi puja, Ramkrishna, Shakti

Jagad dharti puja is a very popular festival in the eastern parts of the country. Especially it is more popular in the states of west Bengal and Orissa. India is a land of festivals and we do celebrate all our festivals with great enthusiasm. However, some festivals like Diwali is celebrated all across the country. […]