By Dr Divya Mittal on February 22, 2020
dog lover, dogs, pets

Many people say they are dog lovers but are they really so Is it good enough to buy expensive dogs who shine n glow What about adopting a pet from the street who is starved Then only it will be visible from which stone are you carved Caring for dogs who are from top breeds […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on March 28, 2019
negative energy, smudging, vibrations

Have ever heard about the term smudging? Well if not, then here is a chance to learn about it from the spiritual perspective. Actually smudging is a concept that developed in Native America years back. The main intention of doing it was to clear the living space from all negative energies and purify the surroundings. […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on August 17, 2018
freedom, independence, national Flag, respect

Such is the spirit of freedom and of independence in my nation It is not easy to see such dedication, honesty and pure passion Even the person who cannot make his both ends meet is proud There is immense flame of patriotism even its hidden in shroud Despite the worst of circumstances, till the last […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on April 14, 2018
afeesa, nirbhaya, Religion

ऐसी भी क्या चली हवा, देखो क्या इंसान हो गया क्या मज़हब की वजह से, इतना वो शैतान हो गया जिस मज़हब का असली मकसद था बस्ती बसाना वो वीरानों की वजह और नफरत का पैगाम हो गया नहीं रहे सब बच्चे अपने, कहाँ है वो ईमान खो गया कंजक का अगर धर्म दूसरा, उसका […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on March 26, 2018
आशीर्वाद, प्रभु, प्रेरणा, हौसला

लाख दलदल हो गम नहीं पाँव जमाये रखिये हाथ खाली ही सही ऊपर उठाये रखिये बिना फिकर के हौसला बुलंद बनाये रखिये अपने कर्म की गति को आगे चलाये रखिये डूब कर ही समंदर में मिलेगा तुमको किनारा गोते लगाते हुए भी हिम्मत को बंधाये रखिये लाख करे कोशिश ये दुनिया तुम्हे झुकाने की अपनी […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on March 22, 2018
happiness, joy, leaf, smiling

Take a leaf from the book of a leaf, just see how does it smile Even when it is withered away, it doesnt get sad for a while Life will put you through all types of tests, just be chill n cool Otherwise you will be the loser, you will appear like a fool Take […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on January 7, 2018
beggars, genuine needy, spiritutality

Daan or charity has been identified as one of the greatest punyas or good karmas in the scriptures. Of course the scriptures also go on to state that the main purpose behind daan should not be even to gain good karma but to genuinely help someone, although it is bit paradoxical in nature since doing […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on December 26, 2017
old times

Those were the days when family meant every one near and dear When one would goto visit all relatives without hesitation or fear When grand parents and parents were the real assets of life When people were not slaves to desires but happy even in strife When the relations did matter, they were not merely […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on October 2, 2017
Islam, muslims, terrorists

It is painful to see at times, where the world is going and how a community gains a label The clan of warriors who shook the world with hoofs of horses, established empires stable Only due to the act of few misguided miscreants who do not represent Islam, not at all Are we so easily […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on July 22, 2017
compassion, PSR, public social responsibility

The concept of public social responsibility has been gaining ground and popularity in the recent past. Before discussing it further let us first understand what does PSR mean and what does it stand for. Basically as the term itself suggests, PSR is about the general public realizing their role and responsibilities towards the very society […]