The Divine Saga

The Divine Saga

  When we grow up, we often think our parents know nothing,  we know it all Yet we forget the tender loving hands which held us at every fall The only selfless love which is the epitome of the Divine on earth The form of Divinity which protected us since the very birth It is […]

Household Durga: The Utmost Profession

Household Durga: The Utmost Profession

We respect the women who work in office and hardly do anything at home Yet the task of a homemaker is most respectable, her altar is the domestic dome It is high time we realize that being a good housewife is a job tough Where there is no break, nor there is any room to sit […]

Think Less, Pray More

Think Less, Pray More

Worrying is not the same as caring, the more you worry the more you lose So it is upto you how you want to spend life, just think wisely and choose Worrying is just wasting your precious life force energy, it wont get you anywhere Even if you keep constantly worrying, the problems directly at […]

Scientific Basis of Astrology Part 1

Scientific Basis of Astrology Part 1

Hope the above lines have inspired you to know the connection between science and astrology and help you understand how there is a connection between seemingly unconnected things. If you want to learn more on this topic please proceed to our next post in this series titled: Scientific Basis of Astrology: Part II