By EnnisDuff on September 18, 2014
soul reflection, spiritual eyes

Eyes are reflection of the thoughts within They seem to have been through all thick and thin The face is so attractive yet there is fear Yet the aura is a bit too much to bear This is the face of a brave lady who was in a war Such strength is seldom found, even […]
By EnnisDuff on September 11, 2014
aspects, planets, raashis

In this post we will study about some interesting aspects of vedic astrology. Let us first begin by taking a look at the chart showing the 12 houses, the corresponding raashis , their master planets and so forth. Twelve Houses, Raashis, And Their Descriptions Rahu & Ketu Ketu is always at the beck and call […]
By EnnisDuff on September 3, 2014
birth chart, reading horoscope

Practice makes a man perfect and so is the case with horoscope analysis. Examples can help you to find out the actual manner in which predictions are done so let us take a few examples. Example 1 Here is the horoscope of an individual who was born in an ordinary family in a village in […]
By EnnisDuff on August 21, 2014
debilitating planets

Given below is a chart which shows different planets whose remedies are discussed above. Remedies: If any of the above planets gives bad results donate the things mentioned against each. Throw them in to flowing water or donate them to a poor man or in a religious place e.g. temple or church or mosque or gurudwara. […]
By EnnisDuff on July 27, 2014
planet classification, solar system

In this post we will take a look at the planet classification in the solar system and how the different planets are classified as per the following BLIND PLANETS If the House No. 10 is being debilitated by two inimical planets or by malefic planet, such a horoscope is called blind Horoscope and even exalted […]
By EnnisDuff on May 27, 2014
yoga for slipped disc

It is a well known fact yoga has a number of benefits not only in spiritual growth but in helping to keep our mind and body fit and healthy. In this article today we will discuss how yoga can help in the problems of slipped disk. Well our lifestyle has change considerably and today we […]