By Jaswinder Singh on March 30, 2016
Christ vs Krishna, news
News and Updates

We started the discussion about the early life of Lord Jesus Christ with our first post namely the missing years of Jesus. As we mentioned we are just making your familiar with various theories that exist regarding his missing years and we do not endorse or oppose any of these views. We will keep presenting […]
By Jaswinder Singh on March 29, 2016

Jesus Christ was one of the most charismatic personalities the world has ever known and Christianity is not only surviving but growing even 2000 years after His departure from the human body. Of course this is true of most genuine Saints and Sages, irrespective of their religion, caste, creed or place or origin. Christians believe […]
By Jaswinder Singh on March 29, 2016
News and Updates

Today we will learn about the historical aspect of some famous religious monuments. Before anything else we must state clearly that we respect all religions equally and this portal is not biased towards any specific religion. We represent the current global generation for whom spirituality is more important than religion. This post is a reproduction […]
By Jaswinder Singh on March 26, 2016
News and Updates

We saw in our previous post on the hidden treasure that how the Kerala temple got into world news for the treasure that was supposedly found there. Before going further it is appropriate to introspect at this stage that whether temples should be treasured for their riches or for the priceless spiritual experience that leads […]
By Jaswinder Singh on March 26, 2016
News and Updates

We at Metaphysics Knowledge mainly deal with matters spiritual, and less with religion as we believe that while the former (spiritualism) is universal and more significant, religion sometimes rather most times is misunderstood and many times people tend to have arguments over it, as opposed to its true goal of unity. Of course this does […]
By Jaswinder Singh on March 22, 2016
carl sagan, news, Vedas

The beginning of the Universe has been a mystery that has baffled scientists and thinkers alike. Even though there have been theories of the creation in the ancient texts, most scientists are skeptical of accepting them on the face value. However there are scientists who have managed to explore some underlying links between ancient science […]
By Jaswinder Singh on March 19, 2016
News and Updates

An amateur metal detector found a crucifix which in turn led to several other facts which could change the manner in which we view Christian history and it also shows that the religion was far more widespread in the past than we know. Read on to find out more about this story…
By Jaswinder Singh on March 19, 2016

The 32 thousand years old artefacts found in a remote cave in Germany bear resemblance to the mythological story of Lord Narasimha as told in the ancient texts. The similarities are just too much to ignore as a coincidence. This discovery was done several years ago but the mystery is still as good as that […]
By Jaswinder Singh on March 16, 2016

In this post we are quoting an interesting post by Ramani who is a management expert and consultant and writes in his free time. This post shows the planetary positions of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna from the astrological perspective. Of course these avatars were above the laws of astrology but still it is interesting […]
By Jaswinder Singh on March 11, 2016
news, penguin
News and Updates

This is a beautiful true story about a penguin who was saved by an elderly man and the bird travels 5000 miles each year to meet his saviour. Birds and animals have a high sense of belonging and they are pure in mind so human beings should learn some selflessness from them. A few lines […]