By Jyotsna on May 11, 2020
embrace change

It has been said that just forget the past Why to remember it, that did not last However it is only harmful if you brood Need huge strength to face it total nude Draw strength and it works as a magic pill Gives you immense courage keeps you chill No fear, embrace the past, only […]
By Jyotsna on February 23, 2020
kids, Syria, War

Just look at the future of kids in Syria land The little angel is walking hand-in-hand As you can see the streets are all blown Yet she proudly walks like an up-grown The intelligent force that create and sustains All compassionate all seeing who maintains Call it God, Allah, Jesus, Krishna or any name The […]
By Jyotsna on October 26, 2019
Alpona, Card playing, Gambling, Kali puja

Diwali the festivals of light is celebrated in all parts of the country. Considering the cultural diversity of our very country you will be amazed to know that it is celebrated in different parts of the country in different styles. Each region has their unique significance and rituals associated with this festival. In this article […]
By Jyotsna on June 19, 2018
brave, life, tough, warrior

The obstacles cannot do anything to the brave Everyday with difficulties they have close shave Warriors count the wounds not in pain but pride They are open for any challenge arms open wide For a person who has grown up with life so tough Even the wildest of seas do not seem at all rough […]
By Jyotsna on May 14, 2018
courage, faith, patience

ये सिसकियाँ हैं क्यों रोती कौन इन्हें चुप कराये ये वक़्त क्या बदला, सब अपने हो गए पराये आंसुओं और सिस्किओं का है मेल बहुत पुराना इन दोनों का तो आपस में अच्छा खासा याराना दिल टूटे तो क्या हुआ कोई गम खोना मत पहचान ख्वाबों को कभी टूटने मत दो ये हौसले की उड़ान […]
By Jyotsna on April 10, 2018
Almighty, karma, sorrow, tomorrow

These kids are just as sweet as the children next door For you never ever know what the future has in store Karmas can change the destiny of a person for sure Just have to make efforts with a devotion very pure Kids have the power to change the world over time Behind the poor […]
By Jyotsna on March 29, 2018
fly, high, sky

ए गगन के पंछी यूं ज़मीन पे बैठ कर क्यूँ आस्मां देखता है पंखों को खोल कर ऊंचे उडो ज़माना सिर्फ उड़ान देखते है सागर की लहरों की तो फितरत ही है ऊंचा शोर मचाने की मंजिल तो उसी को मिलती है जो नज़रों में तूफ़ान देखता है यहाँ परिंदे तो अपनी मौज में रहते […]
By Jyotsna on March 8, 2018
women day

Today is 8th of March and as we celebrate the International Women’s Day I would like to take the opportunity to mention something about ancient Indian traditions. More often than not, the current generation is of the opinion that traditionally the oriental world has been hostile to women, they were not given any rights, they […]
By Jyotsna on January 28, 2018
aged, help, needy, old

Spend some time with elders, for you have nothing to loose but much to gain To spare a few moments with them, try and you will never feel your energies drain For they are the source of inspiration, the warehouse of knowledge and so much power Being in their contact you will feel re-energized just […]
By Jyotsna on January 23, 2018
जीवन, पेड़, लक्कड़ हारे

चारों तरफ लक्कड़हारे हैं, फिर भी पेड़ कहाँ हारे हैं जम के काट रहे हरिआली को, फिर भी हरे भरे नज़ारे हैं यही तो है जीवन का अर्थ, यही है इस जीवन का सार जिसको इतना सा समझ आ गया, उसका हो गया बेडा पार कुरुक्षेत्र के मैदान की तरह सब तरफ है हाहाकार और […]