By Daisy Astrologer on November 10, 2015

Each Diwali we burn crackers worth millions and think nothing about it No matter what happens to the universe and earth, who cares a damn shit It is only we, the birds and animals, who feel the real brunt It is even worse than the days, you came for us to chase and hunt For […]
By Daisy Astrologer on February 14, 2015
St Valentine, Valentines Day

We all know valentine’s day as a day when mostly lovers exchange roses and propose to each other, which is not a bad thing but in all this we tend to overlook the history behind this day and how it is related to a person named Valentinus. The Christian Connection The story of this day […]
By Daisy Astrologer on November 22, 2014
horoscope, janam patrika

Horoscope or janam patrika is an observation of the heavens at the exact time of a person’s birth, by which the events of life are predicted by the Astrologer. To cast a horoscope of a person, it is necessary to have accurate details such as the following: Gender Time of birth Place of birth Date […]
By Daisy Astrologer on September 12, 2014
yoga classes, yoga for migraine, yoga poses

Migraine is a severe headache that anyone can experience. When you get migraine the headache is so bad that you cannot tolerate it. Research shows that migraine is more common in women even there are lot of men with this problem too. Let us find out how yoga can be effective in combating migraine and […]
By Daisy Astrologer on August 26, 2014
manipura, solar plexus, third chakra

We have already discussed about the first two chakras and their significance. Today we will discuss about the third chakra balancing and the benefits to be obtained from it. This chakra is also called the solar plexus chakra or the manipura and these terms have been used interchangeably throughout this post. It is considered to […]
By Daisy Astrologer on June 5, 2014
heaven, hell
Beliefs, Miscellaneous

Heaven and hell are both concepts that can be found across all the religion. Whether it is Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity or Islam all has this common link. There is a mention of heaven and hell. All these faiths say that there are good and bad people on earth. The Judgement Day We all in […]
By Daisy Astrologer on April 16, 2014
bejan daruwala, daily horoscope

India has a number of astrologers. We will now discuss about one of the most celebrated astrologers of all time. Bejan Jehangir Daruwalla he is also known as Bejan Daruwalla. About B. J. Daruwalla He was born on 11th July 1931. He is married and his wife Gooli is a famous tarot card reader. He […]
By Daisy Astrologer on March 14, 2014
Aquarius woman, astrology traits, horoscope traits

The water bearer is the sign of the Aquarius. We will try to discuss some important tips that you may need to remember as you are planning to impress the Aquarius woman. We hope that you will find this article on all about Aquarius woman interesting and informative. Considered to be one of the most […]
By Daisy Astrologer on February 4, 2014
astrological signs, Leo woman

The Leo woman is classy. We will discuss in this article on “all about Leo woman” how you can make the right impression on this woman. She is a great combination of humour, energy, intellect and amazing personality. Leo women have a warm smile that can melt your heart. Some of them show their claws […]
By Daisy Astrologer on December 2, 2013
astrology, cancerian man, cancerian woman, sunsigns
Astrology, Featured, Miscellaneous

If you are in love with a Cancerian woman or you want to woo a Cancer woman then this article on “All about cancer women” will be of great use to you. We have already discussed the personality traits of a cancerian man in case you are a female and dating such a person. Now […]