By mandeep on December 20, 2014
chakra healing, fifth chakra, throat chakra

We have already discussed the four chakras in the human body. Today we will move on to the fifth chakra. It is also called the vishuddha chakra. It is located in the throat and close to the spine. The fifth chakra stands for self-expression, creativity and communication. The throat is solely responsible for speech this […]
By mandeep on December 7, 2014
will power
Do You Know?

In the previous post we learn about some experiments to improve will power. Now we will go a step further and find out some more information about the same. How do you know whether your experiments have been successful or not? You can do few simple things to know if it is happening. Try to […]
By mandeep on October 3, 2014
Happy Dussehra 2014

Metaphysics Knowledge wishes all our readers a very Happy Dussehra 2014 On this day victory triumphed over evil for good It was a great day for all the principles that Sri Rama stood Let us pledge on this Dussehra that we will always raise our voice We wont silently bear injustice, even when there is […]
By mandeep on September 12, 2014
Law of Attraction

The universe does not want anything, neither does it lack Yet to attract what we want, we seem to have lost the knack You can demand everything from Mother Nature as Divine right Call Her by any name, She will answer as She has all in sight Yet we only get what we are, not […]
By mandeep on August 29, 2014
communication skills, yoga and meditation

The art of communicating effectively is essential for success in life whether you work in the corporate world, have your own business or even involved in household activities. There are many of us who have great ideas but just because we do not know how to communicate it correctly, we are unable to make the […]
By mandeep on August 6, 2014
benefits of Hanuman Chalisa
Metaphysical Books, Saints & Deities

We have already explained what the Hanuman Chalisa is all about in our previous article. In this article we will discuss the benefits of reading Hanuman Chalisa on a regular basis. We hope that this will help you to appreciate and understand the strength of the Hanuman Chalisa. Lord Hanuman is considered to be a […]
By mandeep on June 18, 2014
Kedarnath Dham, Uttrakhand tragedy
News and Updates

We all know that Sri Kedarnath Dham is one of the most pious places of Lord Shiva and an important pilgrimage. About a year ago there was a huge disaster where thousands of people lost their lives. Today attempts are on that the city of Kedarnath is settled again. A lot of funds have been […]
By mandeep on April 10, 2014
Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, mysteries of past
Strange but True

Egypt has always been associated with the ancient pyramids. It has been proved today that the oldest pyramids were not in Egypt. However, even today whenever there is a mention of pyramids, Egypt is the name that comes to our mind. The Spiritual Connection Generally speaking, tourists are not allowed to enter the Pyramids as […]
By mandeep on March 4, 2014
astrological traits, libra woman

In our series on astrological traits of men and women, we have been trying to portray the different zodiac sign people based on their astrological traits. Today we will talk about a libra woman and how to go about pleasing her based on horoscope characteristics. Libra Woman Astrological Traits If you are trying to impress […]
By mandeep on December 26, 2013
Taurus man, zodiac sign
Astrology, Featured, Miscellaneous

Next in the series of our zodiac sign, we will discuss about the Taurus man who is a complex yet interesting personality. We cannot cover all the aspects of the Taurus Man but will try to discuss some points on how exactly can you deal and whats gifts can you get for a Taurus man […]