By nishichawla on February 2, 2015
science behind religion, visiting temples

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions of the world. Many people have different reasons to support how Hinduism survived for so long. According to us the main reason for this has been the fact that Hinduism can be made into a thought process and you can make it a part of your daily life. […]
By nishichawla on January 15, 2015
aghori sadhu, aghoris, shamsham tara
Beliefs, Customs/Traditions

The very mention of the term “Aghori or Aghori Sadhu” brings a very fearful reaction from most people and it is not without a reason. They are perhaps a different kind of yogis and possibly one of the most misunderstood mystics. As legend would have it, there are many tales about Aghoris. We will now […]
By nishichawla on December 21, 2014
Lord Vishnu Quiz
Do You Know?
By nishichawla on November 28, 2014
divya drishti, inner mind, outer mind, shaktipaat

In hypnotism the mind is divided into three parts, namely the inner mind, the outer mind and the intellect. Today let us find out how these three parts interrelate and interact with each other and how to use them for hypnotic purposes. Please note that in different systems such as say Yoga, you might come […]
By nishichawla on November 19, 2014
ghosts, Prayers for protection, spirits

Disclaimer: we do not support the ghost theory but this article is based on commonly held notions and beliefs Ghosts exist or not have been a debatable topic for ages. However, we must say that there have been a lot of incidents in the past that prove the presence of ghosts. There are many who have […]
By nishichawla on October 31, 2014
Life And Death

When we travel on a journey long and have to go far We talk to anyone we can, make friends, there is no bar When it comes to life, it is too a journey of few years Why waste in hating and fighting and not smiling but in tears Keep your eyes on the goal […]
By nishichawla on September 24, 2014
catastrophes, fire and floods, legends
Strange but True

The legends of catastrophe through fire and floods have been found across all ages and all civilizations. Surely there must be some connecting factor for it to be so. Let us take a look at some of these examples. Legends of Fire and Flood The earth was at peace. A mild climate enveloped the planet […]
By nishichawla on September 20, 2014
poetry contest, spiritual poems

Hello Friends Thank you all for participating in our Spiritual Poetry Contest #1 We are back with Contest #2 this time. How to enter Try to write a few lines (or as much as you can) of a poem relating to any metaphysical aspect and send to us at email id and keep the […]
By nishichawla on August 27, 2014
holy basil, tulsi vivah

Tulsi is considered to be a sacred plant that you can easily find in any Hindu household. It is said that if the wind that is entering your house touches the Tulsi plant it is purified. We will now discuss the legend of the Tulsi plant and why Tulsi Vivah is celebrated. The Legend of […]
By nishichawla on June 4, 2014
hypnosis, love spells

Many people often ask do love spells really work. Well we will try to answer the question in this article. Love is a magical feeling. It requires a soul connect. When one soul realises that it is connected to another love blooms. Love has no logic or explanation. Sometime a rich person can fall in […]