By nishichawla on March 21, 2013
Holy Scriptures, Puranas, Quran
Featured, Metaphysical Books, Miscellaneous

Every religion is great in its own place and no particular religion can be said to be superior over the other. Still it is unfortunate that human beings fight due to religious differences over minor things.
By nishichawla on February 22, 2013
Kubera Yantra, Lord Kubera
Featured, Miscellaneous

In this article we will give you a good preview about Lord Kubera and the Kubera yantra. We will first discuss who Kuber was. Legend goes that he was a simple man. He was a great devotee and worshiper of Lord Shiva. Meditation of Kuber Kuber spent years of his life to worship Shiva. One day Shiva […]
By nishichawla on January 26, 2013
Child marriage, gays, lesbians, marriage traditions, Same Sex Marriage, social marriage, surrogacy
Customs/Traditions, Miscellaneous

The very topic of religion and same sex marriage raises quite a few eyebrows for various reasons and we are here to discuss exactly that. Marriage is a union that exists all across the world and in all the religion. The way people get married might be different, the ceremonies and the traditions too might […]
By nishichawla on December 18, 2012
Ghost hunting equipment

Ghost hunting equipments as the name itself suggests that these are equipments that are used to hunt ghosts in a house or building. They can be of many types and with the increase in sophisticated technology we have come across more and more sophisticated instruments. We will now discuss about the Ghost hunting equipments and […]
By nishichawla on December 15, 2012
astrology, mukta, Pearls, Swati Nakshatra
Astrology, Gemstones, Miscellaneous

We all know that pearl is found in ocean. In the depths of the blue sea in a shell you can locate pearl. It is an organic product and is also known as a gem. It has been used in jewelleries for years. It happens when under the influence of swati Nakshatra rain drop falls […]
By nishichawla on December 9, 2012
Acharya Abhinavagupta, Bhagwan Gopinathji, Kashmir Shaivism, Krishna Joo Razdan, Mother Lalla, Rupa Bhawani, Srinagar

Since the beginning of time there are philosophies that have come and gone. However, one philosophy or way of life is the Kashmir Shaivism. It is a very popular philosophy. In this article we will discuss about the basic philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism. It originally developed between the eighth and twelfth centuries the Christian era. […]
By nishichawla on December 6, 2012
Miracles of Shirdi Sai Baba, Saints of India, Siddha Purusha
Miscellaneous, Saints & Deities

The Saint Sai Baba of Shirdhi was also known as Siddha purusha. This was so as he had control not only over the mind and soul of his devotees but also over the five elements that rule the world. That is air, water, earth, fire and ether. Miracles of Shirdi Sai Baba It is well […]
By nishichawla on October 1, 2012
marriage not happening, pujas and shlokas for marriage, yellow turmeric

Upaya for marriage Marriages they say are made in heaven. Even in Hindu astrology it is believed that everyone has a soul mate that is waiting for him or her and is waiting to meet. It is true that there is definitely a divine hand and also something like destiny that makes marriages happen. However, […]
By nishichawla on July 10, 2012
astrology, Libra, zodiac signs

Libra is the most special sign in the zodiac cycle. It is the seventh sign in the zodiac cycle. It is considered to be very desirable I astrology. The people born under this sign are considered to be the privileged ones. This is so as the sign comes in the peak time of the year, the time when the […]
By nishichawla on November 15, 2011
palmistry teachers square, teachers square
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

Since palm reading has a large following and the actual palm readers who are competent to make an accurate reading are few and far apart, making the demand overwhelm the readers. This has prompted the best palm readers around the world to share their knowledge and teach younger generation or people with interest in palm […]