By nishichawla on November 15, 2011
Numerology - How can it help you?
Miscellaneous, Numerology

Numerology is the study of numbers which depicts you fait in one’s life; in the same ways that astrology uses extraterrestrial bodies to predict ones past and future. So numerology – how can it help you? Being the study of number and their relation between numbers and each individual person, the study uses specific important […]
By nishichawla on August 27, 2011
astrology, moon signs, vedic astrology
What are Moon Signs? Concepts associated with sun signs are the most commonly used these days but as per Hindu astrology, moon signs are as important as sun signs. Moon sign rules over the mind where as sun sign rules over the soul. Moon signs reflect more on your personality traits and overall life situations. […]
By nishichawla on July 30, 2011
challenges, Challenges in Numerology, numerology
Miscellaneous, Numerology
Life is full of struggle. There are obstacles and problems all through our lives. In numerology, these hurdles are called challenges. Challenges are weak points of our life path. These weak points are those which we must overcome to get success in life. Knowledge about these challenges can help us overcome them in the best […]