By Rakesh on December 3, 2024
astrology, belief, future guidance

Please Note: if you have come to this page from our links of “Free” and/or “Paid” astrology advice, kindly note that we have temporary suspended those services due to heavy demand and unavailability of our inhouse astrologer. We might reopen this service in future but in the meantime feel free to go through this interesting […]
By Rakesh on June 23, 2021
anamika, anuja

वो मुझे मेरे बचपन का एहसास कराती है शायद इसीलिए वो गुडिया इतनी भाति है जब होती थी केवल ठिठोली हंसी मस्ती न कोई मैं, न अहंकार न ही कोई हस्ती खेलते थे गुडिया संग उस गली उस बस्ती जब खुशियाँ थी बहुत आसान और सस्ती जब वो रोती तो उसे और भी रुलाता चाहे […]
By Rakesh on August 14, 2019
rakhri, raksha bandhan

Some people are always there even if not in their bodily form This is true even if we know that death is the ultimate norm Even all souls are eternal, still some reflections are just apart No matter even if their life ended before they could fully start To achieve the goals that they cherished, […]
By Rakesh on March 17, 2018
चैत्र नवरात्रे २०१८
Day 1 Pratipada 18th March 2018 Day 2 Dwitiya 19th March 2018 Day 3 Tritiya 20th March 2018 Day 4 Chaturthi 21st March 2018 Day 5 Panchami 22nd March 2018 Day 6 Shashthi 23rd March 2018 Day 7 Saptami 24th March 2018 Day 8 Ashtami/Navami 25th March 2018 Metaphysics Knowledge wishes a Very Happy Chaitra Navratris to all our viewers and the dates […]
By Rakesh on January 21, 2018
दाता, प्रार्थना, शक्ति

जब भी करनी तो प्रार्थना और माँगना हो प्रभु से कुछ वरदान तो यही मांगो की कुछ भी समस्या आये, कभी भंग ना हो मान मान और अहंकार में है बहुत अंतर, अभिमान जाये तो जाये परन्तु मान की हानि न हो कभी, जो की प्राण देकर भी न पाए हे प्रभु ये मस्तक […]
By Rakesh on January 4, 2018
साईं बाबा जी

अगर तुम मेरे पे विश्वास रखोगे तो तुम्हारा कभी अहित न होगा मेरा ये वचन याद रखना, चाहे बदल जाये मेरा शारीरिक चोगा याद रखो मुझी में दिखेंगे शंकर, इसी में दिखेगा भोला चलो मेरे संग, मैं जब भी जाता हूँ भिक्षा लेने लेके झोला तुम किसी का कुछ मत बिगाड़ना, तुम्हारा कोई न […]
By Rakesh on January 2, 2018
kingsize, life

No matter what you possess, more or less, it doesn’t matter at all Look at these little angels, who hardly have anything but stand tall To enjoy life, you just need a joyous mind, a selfless and pure thought Try living like this and you will feel the cool breeze like a draught Live like […]
By Rakesh on December 3, 2017

Whenever you are stuck in the midst of the battlefield of life When everything seems going wrong, there is pain and strife Remember the eternal poem which was revealed ages ago Its the guidance you need without going far, at stones throw When Arjuna got confused and did not know whether to quit It was […]
By Rakesh on October 5, 2017
Maa Mokshda, Meetu

Life is full of mysteries and sometimes they do come across as a pleasant surprise. Today we are going to talk about one amongst our own who has elevated to a new level silently but slowly. We are talking of none other than Mrs Meetu Nayyar who is a multi-talented personality and has played different […]
By Rakesh on July 29, 2016
mans best friend

Human beings who consider themselves so superior That all other species to them seem inferior Need to learn a lot from the best friend of man How to stand the test of time as hard as one can For where humans take just an instant to part They do not leave you unless life makes […]