By Sunil Trikha on October 1, 2017
Ahimsa Yoga, Ahinsa, Practice of Non Violence
Editorial, Featured, Miscellaneous

Today as the world celebrates the birth of the pujari of Ahimsa or non-violence, we are putting up a post written by a dedicated yoga teacher on this equally interesting aspect of yoga. Normally most of us associate the term yoga with physical asanas, which are of course an important and integral part of yoga, […]
By Sunil Trikha on December 25, 2015

We wish you a Merry Xmas 2015, hope remember all of you What great sacrifices the Lord Jesus did, what all He went through Today as we enjoy the feast on this Holy day, let us not forget at all If He had not allowed to crucify Himself, we would not stand tall He showed […]
By Sunil Trikha on October 23, 2013
learn yoga, online yoga, yoga teacher training
Featured, Miscellaneous, Yoga

We have already taken a look at the Himalayan Yoga Lineage whose main founder was Swami Rama of the Himalayas and also the description of one of the members who is also a guest contributor with Metaphysics Knowledge website. Further to that we are pleased to announce that a Yoga Teachers Training program is being […]
By Sunil Trikha on August 25, 2013
breath, yoga, yoga and breath
Featured, Miscellaneous, Yoga

Whenever we talk of yoga you will notice that breath is included. All the asanas have a special mention of how your breath should be. When you should inhale, how long you should hold the breath and when should you release the same. Infact we studied about straw pranayama in a previous article but have […]
By Sunil Trikha on August 8, 2013
dealing with exams, exam stress meditation
Featured, Miscellaneous, Yoga

Before delving into the topic of dealing with exam stress through meditation, let us first consider the background of this subject. Today we have a highly competitive environment and hence every student wants to give his or her best performance.
By Sunil Trikha on July 21, 2013
buddhist meditation, straw meditation
Featured, Miscellaneous, Yoga

You might have heard of different pranayama techniques but have you ever heard or thought of straw pranayama or breathing through the straws or spacers? Well it might not be one of the typical yogic pranayama techniques but this is a concept which can be very useful for the ones who have otherwise gained or exercised […]
By Sunil Trikha on July 15, 2013
yoga accessories, yoga handles, yoga mats
Featured, Miscellaneous, Yoga

Yoga, as we know and have been reading through our different articles, is a balancing act of body, mind and spirit
By Sunil Trikha on June 25, 2013
weight loss, yoga for weight
Featured, Miscellaneous, Yoga

Weight is a major concern for many and obesity is a very common problem these days. People spend thousands of dollars a year to get rid of weight. With regular practice of yoga you can lose weight and lead a healthy life. We in this article will discuss in details the yoga poses for losing […]
By Sunil Trikha on June 11, 2013
menopause yoga, menstrual problems
Featured, Miscellaneous, Yoga

Menopause is the state in a woman’s life when her periods stop forever. This stage can be both emotionally and physically very stressful for any woman. We will now discuss something that a woman can do to ensure that the stage of menopause in her life is not as painful as it is generally. We will […]