Dreams of Car Accident: Why?

Dreams of Car Accident: Why?

Dreams come and go. However, there are some dreams that are so shocking that we cannot forget them. One such dream is dream of car accident. Let us analyse the dream of car accident and help you get to the root of the problem.

The Significance of Control Position

Car basically denotes how much you are in control of your life and the people in your life. If you see yourself sitting in the back seat then it means that you are letting someone else control your life. When you see yourself driving a car it means that you are in control of the situation you are in. When you dream that the car you are driving has gone inside water it shows that you are in an emotional trauma. It can also mean a deep sense of regret.car accident dreams

The Symbolic Meaning

Sometime you may dream that your car has flipped over. This basically shows that you are stopping yourself from achieving a goal. It is to show that your life is on hold. When you dream this try to calm down and look into the goals that you have left unfulfilled. Some people dream that the car is not starting. This means that you are basically trying hard to achieve something but you don’t know how to get it.

Another dream related to cars is the dream of losing a car. You may dream that you parked the car but later you were not able to find it anywhere. This dream may mean that you are confused about your goals in life.

Hit and Run Case

Well the dream of car accident that often haunts us all is the dream of one being hit by a running car. These dreams come when one is in a dilemma. He or she does not know which path to follow. These dreams can be very disturbing. These dreams can also haunt you when you are dealing with an injured pride.

Another dream of car accident that must be dealt with is when you dream of running down someone. Well this basically means that you have knowingly hurt the pride and the dignity of an individual as a result you are suffering from within. If these dreams get too much to handle then we will suggest that you get to the root of the problem and solve it.

Don’t Misunderstand

Some people often misunderstand the dream of car accident. They feel that these dreams are symbol of their own impending death. Well the answer is NO. Dream of car accident does not mean that you are going to die. When you dream of death along with a car crash it basically means that you are not in control of your life. You are scared and you don’t know how to deal with the emotional trauma you are going through. It can be the trauma of losing a job. It can also come up when you are cheated in a relationship. When the dream of car accidents become very common and you start losing sleep do consult a dream analyst. You can also seek a help from a doctor. They can counsel you and help you get to the root of the problem. You may need a few sessions but you will soon be able to deal with it.

Setting it Right

Dream of car accident can also be an indication of the subconscious mind that something is not right. There is something around you that is wrong and you must put an end to it. Dream of car accident can also be when the car catches fire and all you do is watch the scene helplessly. These dreams again signify loss of control and also mean the loss of something that was very dear to you.

These dreams can be very traumatic and the memories of these dreams can haunt you for a long time. Some time you may dream tha the person very close to you is meeting with a car crash and dying. The significance of this dream is that you feel that the person who love so much is going out of your control. Don’t panic when you see such dreams. Just Pray to Lord with faith.

I hope you now know what dream of car accident is all about. Do follow the guidelines that we have mentioned whenever you see a dream of car accident. Don’t panic just relax and look forward for a good help. You must open up about your problem to others in order to get a proper solution to the problem. We hope you will soon be able to get rid of these scary dreams.

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