Love has the power to tame even the wildest and fiercest of the beast
Yet is is one of the most misunderstood term to say the least
The modern generation only knows lust in the name of love
While it is as pure as the earthbound crystal, as innocent as dove
The universal sense of belonging as has the true mystic Saint
It does not require any artificial flavour, neither any other paint
It should spring from within and will flow outside you can feel
It will ooze out like fresh juice from a fruit you can peel
It needs to be experienced, it needs not to be verbally told
For so precious it is, you cannot even compare it with gold
It is the wealth of all wealth, the ultimate thing to dispense
How will they understand it, on even word who take offense
Come, let us join in this universal belonging on this day
Let this vibration spread everywhere, let us daily Pray