Many people often ask do love spells really work. Well we will try to answer the question in this article. Love is a magical feeling. It requires a soul connect. When one soul realises that it is connected to another love blooms. Love has no logic or explanation. Sometime a rich person can fall in love with a poor person. Sometime you will see a very flamboyant person falling in love with an extremely quite person. When love has no logic then how can we make theories of love spells and if so are there any love spells that really work?
Do Love Spells Really Work?
Well with love spells you can definitely attract a person towards yourself. If he or she stays with you or not that is beyond the power of love spells. Love does not mean having someone physically it means knowing someone and caring for someone. Love is destiny too. if you try to go against your destiny and make someone fall in love with you the love may not work at all. Love is natural and it must be that way. For example can you hold wind? The answer is no. Similarly you can fall in love with someone but you cannot force someone to fall in love with you. This is the biggest fact of life and we must learn to accept this fact as early as we can.
The First Mantra of Love Spell
The first step in love is to fall in love with your own self. You must go deep within you and you will know how to care about yourself. When you care for yourself you will not run behind a love that was never yours and will never be yours ever. Running behind such love will only depress you and even frustrate you. So when you are in love with yourself you will be able to recognise and receive true love better. You will be able to feel the love a person feels for you and reciprocate to it.
When you use love spells you will be attracting the person you love. However, ensuring that the person stays with you is not easy. This is not possible with love spells. This is where you will have to get practical. You will have to ensure that you prove to the person how much you love him or her. To some love maybe an expensive ring, for some love is a quiet evening spent together, some may feel that love is the ability to share your deepest fears and anxieties with someone. You will have to understand the requirement of the other person and slowly prove how much you love them and care for them. This no love spell can do. Only when you genuinely care for someone and put the interest of this person before your interest you can ensure that love happens.
The Logic of Love Spells
Love spells can also make a person feel passionate for you and also come closer to you. We have discussed about some love spells in our previous articles. This theory can be backed with a logical reasoning. When you really need something and you pray hard for it all the forces in the universe get together and they try to help you in achieving this. The same works with love too. When you fall in love and you use the love spells with all your heart it triggers these universal forces towards attainment of your goal. Whenever you use the love spells do it with all heart and you will see how beautifully the love spells work.
Cautions Before Using Love Spells
Sometime we are in love with the idea that we love so and so person. When you actually get the person you realise that this is not what you wanted. This can cause depression and also make you withdraw from the person. This can be a painful experience too. Before you use the love spell ensure that you are absolutely sure about the person. If you find someone very attractive it is not love. Love is deep and it is eternal. It has nothing to do with how a person looks and what he or she earns. It is deep and only when you love your own self and see within you will find the true love of your life that will actually make you happy.
Love is a powerful emotion it should not make you weak. It should always give you strength and power. If you love someone you will have the courage to let them go. If you love someone you will be able to trust him or her completely. If you are insecure and always under the fear of losing the person you love then it is definitely not love. For example a parent loves his child but he lets the child go out and learn from his own mistakes. This is the power of love it helps you to become stronger from within.
Editor’s Note
We try to put forth a logical view point and the science behind the various metaphysical issues so as far as the question of love spell goes, we do acknowledge that willpower and energy can be directed in a manner, through the use of spells, which help to influence an person to love you. At the same time nothing can replace the true feeling of love that you feel from your heart and that will attract the person in a pious manner.
We have also carried an article on vashikaran in the past which can be read here.
We hope that after reading this article on love spells that really work? You will be able to understand and appreciate the importance of the love spells. This will also help you to use the love spells better and know what exactly you can expect from them.