There is a theory in the metaphysical world that each of the person has got 7 lookalikes or clones. This might not be scientifically proven but very often we come across people who are very similar to others. Of course the people who lookalike to some celebrity gain more attention that normal people.
The Maths
Even if you see the maths behind this, it is pretty simple that out of the total population of the world which is approximately 7.4 billion at the time of writing this post. Just take a look at this page showing world human population which might not be exact but gives a good approximation.
So the probability of seeing two or more such people simultaneously assuming that the population is uniformly spread across the globe comes to P (n) = N/7.4Billion * 100 where n is an integer from 1 to 7 or any other number for that matter.
So you can put the value of N as anything even 100 but since the denominator is so huge i.e. 7.4 billion the percentage comes too minuscule. The only reason to do this maths is that we often do not come across our lookalikes so we do not seem to believe it.
I am not here to prove or disprove their theory but only explain logically that it is possible that it might be true (and the other way round as well) but since most of us are not celebrities our lookalikes do not come to our knowledge. Given below are the lookalikes of some celebrities and those who are familiar with the original celebs do not need to be told whose lookalikes the following people are.
Some people say that there is a metaphysical reason for lookalikes. Well in the broad sense of the word, there is a reason for everything but whether there is a specific metaphysical or spiritual reason for it, we will take it up in a separate discussion in detail.