It is good to remember God but to know your powers is even better
If you have that real belief, no amount of struggle makes you shatter
Life is not always cool, not everything is served on a silver platter
Only that much you will receive, that you write on life’s plain letter
If you do believe, not even the deadliest poison can bring you harm
You can stay unfazed and collected, even in an enraged wild bee swarm
The force to believe is within, it should not be mere play of empty words
For it brings so much strength, you do not need any weapons or swords
Develop your will, then it will move mountains just you have to say
Even at the very presence of such person, the greatest sins go away
Yet it is a journey which only a few with utmost will can undertake
You must try even if you fail multiple times, for there is so much at stake
Every time you fall down, just get up, smile and just shout out loud
I will try again and again, no matter how dense the foggy black cloud
I will find the silver lining, and finally the light would be visible so bright
Only those are deserving to reach this state, who dont give up but fight