The path to reach God is pretty simple and straightforward against the perception
Those who describe it as curved and complicated are creating an illusion, a deception
For nothing is more nearer to your own self, your true self, that is your own soul
To reach that and complete the journey successfully shall be your main motto and goal
This is the message that prophets across the ages have been passing to mankind all along
That you do not need to do something extraordinary but can can just sing a pretty song
Be faithful to your belief though do not be dogmatic but remain absorbed in your own
For only those seeds will grow with abundance, on a quite mind field which are sown
The rest is just the outward rush, there is no end to the hassles and works in life
Otherwise you will be pursuing two paths, you will be walking on the edge of a knife
Yet there is the easy way, to just meditate wherever you are in life, just keep cool
You will reach the goal, if you work hard, even if you dont attend any spiritual school