Virgin Mary or Mother Mary was the Mother of Jesus Christ. We all know that. There has been mention of Virgin mothers in many religious books who gave birth to gods. We in this article will try to understand what exactly is the concept and how did it develop.
Origin of the Virgin Term
The very first mention of virgin that you can get is that the ancient moon priests were called virgin. Virgin basically means a person who is not married or who has never had a sexual relationship. This can be a man as well as a woman who does not belong to another person. This person is free and pure. The word virgin owes its origin to Latin language. It was not used to refer to men but today the word virgin applies equally to men.
Sexual Purity & Independence
The word not only means sexual independence but it also means sexual purity. Many great leaders and saints were told to have been born to virgin mothers. Buddha, Marduk, Genghis Khan, Orisis and Jesus Christ are some of these names. These spiritual leaders were born from an unknown force; they all had a common power that connected them. They were born to the cosmic mother who has no form. The Hebrew was the first ones to use this word. All they wanted it to mean was maiden or a young woman. However, it was Christianity who made this word refer to pure, chaste and never been touched.
The Virgin Mary of Bible
We will now discuss the concept of Virgin Mary a little more in details. Virgin Mary is worshipped across the world. You have often seen images and idols of Mother Mary holding baby Jesus in her arms. She was also known as Saint Mary or Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ was always considered as god who took human form to save the world. Mary was the daughter of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne.
Mary was only three years old when she was given to the temple in Jerusalem to serve the gods and the temple. She was very religious from a young age. The scriptures say that Mother Mary was engaged to Joseph and was waiting for marriage to happen. This was the time when she conceived Jesus as a command from god. It is said that angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her that she was selected as the mother of Jesus. Mary accepted this and was willing to mother the child. She was extremely humble as she took up this huge responsibility of being the mother to the messiah. The messiah would be conceived through the Holy Spirit.
After a few months Joseph also got a dream. In this dream he was told by an angel that Mary was pregnant and she would soon give birth to the messiah. Joseph was very surprised and shocked at this revelation. On this the angel told him not to worry and to accept Mary as his wife and finish the final rituals of marriage. Mary and Joseph named their son Jesus which meant god saves. This name was also suggested by angel Gabriel.
This is why Christians believe that she was the greatest saint the religion as ever seen. She was selected by god to be the mother of Jesus. It is also said that she never died and was taken to heaven. There is not much known about what was her age when she was engaged and when was it that she gave birth to Jesus. Across the world Mother Mary is worshipped in almost all the churches. Jesus was her only child and she did remain a Virgin till the time she died. There are many theories and stories about Mother Mary but this is the most popular and the widely accepted one that we have shared.
Virgins Mothers in Other Religions
The interesting part is that why and how there is mention of Virgin mothers in many other religious books and scriptures. Does this concept mean more than what meets the eye? Even in non Christian religion there is time and again mention of Virgin mothers.
Kunti of Mahabharata
In Mahabharata Kunti was blessed by the gods and she was told that she could have children just by praying to the god she wanted. She had six sons and none of them were conceived biologically as her husband was incapable of having chidlren. The Hindus are of the opinion that gods have divine power and they can bless a woman with a child by using supernatural powers and that does not affect the purity of the woman.
Gautam Buddha
Even Lord Buddha is believed to have been born to a virgin mother. It is said that his mother was asleep and she dreamt of taking bath in Mansarovar. As she was taking bath a white elephant came close to her and entered her womb. She got really scared after seeing this dream and narrated it to her husband.
Her husband who was a king called in some learned men to interpret the dream. The Brahmans told him that he will soon have a boy child. The child will be very capable. If he chooses to be a king he will be a great ruler and rule the world. However, if he leaves the palace and goes he will become Buddha and will enlighten the world. His mother died soon after he was born.
Infact Anjani was also a virgin mother as we recently narrated in our post about Chandrabani in Dehradoon.
Mention in Holy Quran, Sufism and other Religions
Even in Quran there is the mention of how Jesus was born to a virgin mother. Another religion where there is mention of virgin birth is Sufism. The great saint Kabir was also born to a Hindu widow who was a virgin. His mother did not know how to explain his birth so she left him by a river bank. A Muslim couple spotted the baby and they brought up the baby. Similarly even in the ancient Egyptian scriptures there is mention of virgin birth.
This is one concept that connects many religions and cultures across the globe. If there is so many mention of this then there must be some facts that can be associated with this occurrence. It is interesting indeed how the concept of virgin mothers developed and found its mention in all these stories.
Editorial Note
It is a usual practice in our metaphysical magazine to end many articles which are out of the ordinary topics with an editorial note. This mainly aims to ensure that the modern people with scientific outlook and thinking do not discard or disbelieve all ancient knowledge. Sometimes there are reasons which we may not comprehend
As far as the concept of virgin mothers is concerned, it is known how many species propagate on their own without mating. Morever the concept of energy transfer through different forms like light, radiation, sound, heat etc is commonly known fact in science. Artificial insemination and test tube babies are also becoming a common sight these days.
In a similar fashion it is possible that the energy that the life cells are directly transplanted into the womb of the mother without any physical contact. Moreover it must be understood that sex was not a taboo in ancient India or any other religion as there were texts like Kamasutra – art and science of love making.
But for those on the quest of the ultimate, there are also many benefits of celibacy. Hence it can be seen that the act of consummation in itself is not bad, it is just that the souls which incarnated for a special purpose on much higher vibration level had to take a different path.