It is easy to accept defeat when things do not go right
Because it seems difficult to wait till things turn bright
Yet you must always remember despite all odds all the time
If you lose hope and faith, it will be no less than a heinous crime
For it is an insult to the all powerful universal consciousness within
Which has the power to take you unscathed through all thick and thin
Know not age, know not weariness, know not defeat, keep such strong will
Keep going despite falling, no matter how steep the climb, how high the hill
For success and victory only come to those who have this attitude in life
Who are not defeated by any situation, no matter the circumstances or strife
At the most you can be destroyed, but that is still not the final end
It is just another beginning, just another corner on the road, another bend
Unless you have the passion to reach the goal, no matter come what may
Unless you have the determination to give it all, even if you life you have to lay
Then the goal will come in search of you, and the universe will be at your command
As a Child of The Universal Spirit, you dont beg, its your birthright, you just demand
(Based on thoughts of Sri Sri Paramhansa Yogananda Ji in rhyme form)