By sonia verma on July 22, 2014
horoscope reading, jupiter, Saturn

We have been studying the tutorials related to horoscope reading and have covered from the very basics of astrology till the previous third tutorial which dealt with 6th, 7th and 8th houses. Now we go further and study about 9th-10th houses and the planets Jupiter and Saturn Permanent 9th house Beginning of fate LORD: JUPITER […]
By sonia verma on July 20, 2014
6th house, 7th House, 8th house

In this third tutorial on horoscopes and my astrology guide, find out about the various permanent houses in vedic astrology and their significance. Check here for our tutorial II PERMANENT 6TH HOUSE UNDERWORLD SECRET HELP; COMPASSION, ENEMIES, LITIGATION ETC. LORD: KETU AND MERCURY Ketu and Mercury occupy the 6th house i.e. The underworld. It is […]
By sonia verma on July 12, 2014
astro charts, horoscope reading

In our recent issue we discussed the basics of astrology and today we shall continue with the tutorial on horoscope readings and how to go about knowing your circumstances and relate them with your stars. PERMANENT 1ST HOUSES (LAGNA) KING’S THRONE, BODY, FAME ETC. LORD: SUN First house is like the throne of Solomon. It […]
By sonia verma on July 8, 2014
horoscope reading tutorial, indian astrology

Man has been looking at the heavens with wonder and awe. Our ancient sages in their wisdom, ascribed certain functions and virtues to the planets. They believed that “the star above us governs our condition,” and obviously gave us the science of Astrology. ZODIAC & SOLAR SYSTEM Hindu Astrology is sidereal. Zodiac is a diagram […]
By s.heeralal on June 7, 2014
astrology, double fate line, horoscope
Astrology, Miscellaneous

The palm majorly has three lines that are heart, life and fate lines. Each line has a significance of its own. Let us find out the significance of having a double fate line on our palms. Does it signify double measure of fate or is there another significance for the same? The Line of Destiny […]
By Daisy Astrologer on April 16, 2014
bejan daruwala, daily horoscope

India has a number of astrologers. We will now discuss about one of the most celebrated astrologers of all time. Bejan Jehangir Daruwalla he is also known as Bejan Daruwalla. About B. J. Daruwalla He was born on 11th July 1931. He is married and his wife Gooli is a famous tarot card reader. He […]
By Sudipta Ray on April 9, 2014
free Libra astrology, Libra man

Libra man is considered to be one of the most charming men in the zodiac. We will now discuss how exactly you can win the heart of this very charming Libra man and become his queen. Well like all other signs the Libra men also have their share of positive and negatives that you will […]
By nishichawla on April 7, 2014
astrological sunsigns, gemini women

If you are planning to impress a Gemini woman then this article might be of immense help to you. Gemini is an air sign and it is ruled by the planet mercury. As you know that mercury slips off and it not a very stable substance so is the nature of a Gemini woman. Have […]
By Deepak Chopra on April 2, 2014
astrology signs, horoscope signs, The Gemini man

So are you in love with a man who belongs to the Gemini zodiac sign. Well we would like to share some points on these Gemini men in our article. A Gemini man is interesting and great fun to be with. However, if you want to make this Gemini man more than just a friend […]
By usha on March 27, 2014
sunsign traits, taurus woman

The women born in May come under the sign of Taurus. If you want to impress a Taurus woman this article on “All about Taurus woman” will prove to be immensely beneficial. She is ruled by the planet Venus. These tips will help you to make the right impression on this woman and also ensure […]