By Sudipta Ray on March 26, 2014
aquarius man, astro sign

In all about Aquarian man we will try to discuss some points that you must know when you want to impress the Aquarian man. We have tried to cover almost all the points that you can keep in mind while you are with an Aquarian man. He is a man of thoughts. Water bearer is […]
By Daisy Astrologer on March 14, 2014
Aquarius woman, astrology traits, horoscope traits

The water bearer is the sign of the Aquarius. We will try to discuss some important tips that you may need to remember as you are planning to impress the Aquarius woman. We hope that you will find this article on all about Aquarius woman interesting and informative. Considered to be one of the most […]
By Sudipta Ray on March 4, 2014
horoscope characteristics, virgo woman

Love is not directed by rules however with the points that we are about to share with you in this article you will be able to impress the Virgo woman for sure. The Virgo woman is attractive and intelligent. He can analyse things very well and can be a great critic. The Virgo woman can […]
By Daisy Astrologer on February 4, 2014
astrological signs, Leo woman

The Leo woman is classy. We will discuss in this article on “all about Leo woman” how you can make the right impression on this woman. She is a great combination of humour, energy, intellect and amazing personality. Leo women have a warm smile that can melt your heart. Some of them show their claws […]
By Sudipta Ray on February 2, 2014
horoscope analysis, leo man

Leo is represented by the lion in the horoscope language. It may sound a little scary a sign for romance but believe me Leo man has a heart and warmth that cannot be found in any other man in the zodiac cycle. The Leo man is the leader. He will always prove to be the […]
By nishichawla on January 31, 2014
astrology, horoscope readings, pisces woman

In this article related to astrology of a Pisces woman we will tell you how go about impressing and winning over such a lady. She is one of the most charming and affectionate lady in the zodiac cycle. The Pisces woman can be a little confused and it may take her some time to make […]
By Deepak Chopra on January 20, 2014
astro dating, pisces man

The Pisces man is considered to be the most romantic in the zodiac cycle so let us learn how to date a Pisces man. In case you are looking at a Pisces man you can be rest assured that life will be super romantic always with this man. The sign of the Pisces man is […]
By Sudipta Ray on January 18, 2014

Virgo man is one who is born from end of August to the mid of September. If this Valentine’s Day you are planning to impress the Virgo man then this article on “all about Virgo man” will be a great help to you. We will start with the basic nature of the Virgo man and […]
By mandeep on December 26, 2013
Taurus man, zodiac sign
Astrology, Featured, Miscellaneous

Next in the series of our zodiac sign, we will discuss about the Taurus man who is a complex yet interesting personality. We cannot cover all the aspects of the Taurus Man but will try to discuss some points on how exactly can you deal and whats gifts can you get for a Taurus man […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on December 21, 2013
female archers, Sagittarius women
Astrology, Featured, Horoscopes, Miscellaneous

Sagittarius the ninth sign of the zodiac (November 22nd – December 21st) and represented by an archer is a sign of the wanderers and knowledge seekers. Ruled by Jupiter the King of Gods, the Sagittarians are not wrong to consider themselves to be of the royal pedigree. While motivated by an explorer’s spirit they tend […]