
1500 Years Old Aramaic Bible

1500 Years Old Aramaic Bible

Prelude: Even before you start reading this, let us clarify that we do not wish to offend any particular religion, culture or faith. Rather on the contrary, we at Metaphysics Knowledge always believe in the universality of all religions and try to find the connecting dots which make the complete picture. We all know that Jesus […]

Should Holy Pictures Be Displayed In Bedrooms?

Should Holy Pictures Be Displayed In Bedrooms?

People often ask have this question that should holy photos be in bedroom? There are many theories that have been presented in this regard. We will try to discuss some aspects of why or why not holy photos should be kept in the bedrooms. From holy photos we mean the photos of places that have […]

How To Spot Dhongi Babas?

How To Spot Dhongi Babas?

In India it is very easy to spot babas. However, when you see one you must be in a position to understand if they are real or not. We will try to explain in this article on how to spot dhongi babas? The point you must keep in mind is that a baba is a […]

Visions of Heaven and Hell

Visions of Heaven and Hell

Heaven and hell are both concepts that can be found across all the religion. Whether it is Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity or Islam all has this common link. There is a mention of heaven and hell. All these faiths say that there are good and bad people on earth. The Judgement Day We all in […]

Love Spells That Really Work?

Love Spells That Really Work?

Many people often ask do love spells really work. Well we will try to answer the question in this article. Love is a magical feeling. It requires a soul connect. When one soul realises that it is connected to another love blooms. Love has no logic or explanation. Sometime a rich person can fall in […]

The History Of Mermaids

The History Of Mermaids

Whenever t here is a mention of a fairy tale character the little mermaid is one character we can never fail to recall. Most of the fairytale characters are fictitious. However, when it comes to mermaid there is a very small gap between reality and fiction. We will now in this article try to understand […]

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