
Beyond The Body Of A Kinnar: The Human Aspect

Beyond The Body Of A Kinnar: The Human Aspect

Transgenders are better known as Hijras or Kinnars in countries like India. Unfortunately unlike the developed world, life is not easy for such people in these parts of the world. Most of them do not work in professional lives but their livelihood depends on the charity and funds given by people during their happy times […]

Happy Gurupurab 2016

Happy Gurupurab 2016

Today as we remember the birth of Saint Soldier all wrapped in one We realize how great He was, like Him there was no other, not at all, none He taught valour and strength by asking one to fight one and quarter lac You can only be a true sikh and His follower, if courage […]

Merry Xmas 2015

Merry Xmas 2015

We wish you a Merry Xmas 2015, hope remember all of you What great sacrifices the Lord Jesus did, what all He went through Today as we enjoy the feast on this Holy day, let us not forget at all If He had not allowed to crucify Himself, we would not stand tall He showed […]

Practice to Store Water in Copper Utensils

Practice to Store Water in Copper Utensils

Copper was extensively used in ancient times in countries such as India to make vessels. In this article we will discuss how copper utensils are very useful and water that is stored in copper utensils has the quality to kill many bacteria in our body. Even the scientists today agree that copper does have some very good […]

The Fire Of Purification

The Fire Of Purification

Whatever may be the differences, at the end the body gets consumed by fire Whether it is the richest or poorest, they all finally end up at the altar of pyre The true yogi and Saint does not wait for the day when prana Yam does snatch And there are normal karamyogis who by their deeds, […]

Charan Sparsh: The Culture

Charan Sparsh: The Culture

It is a tradition in the Oriental world to touch the feet of anyone who is senior and respectable especially in age. While many of the Occidental residents have difficulty in appreciating and understanding the science and philosophy behind it, even the younger generation of the East are also forgetting this culture. You can also […]

Simple Cure For Migraine

Simple Cure For Migraine

This is a simple yet effective remedy for migraine pain. Many of us are hassled by migraine pain and it really makes our life difficult. We goto different doctors, eat different painkillers and it leads us to nowhere. So why not try this at least a few times before you decide to ignore it. Take […]

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