By Meetu Verma Nayyar on December 9, 2012
Asthama, Baba Ramdev, Kapal bhati pranayam, padmasan, why do Kapal bhati
Customs/Traditions, Miscellaneous

Yoga an ancient science that developed in India is a science and at the same time is a milestone in medicine. It is unbelievable that how it has cures to diseases like cancer and aids. We all know the benefits of yoga. Even the western world is slowly appreciating the benefits of this. In this […]
By Vedantacharya Bhatt on December 4, 2012
4 stages of life, Brahma, eaning of Swastik, sun god, Vishnu
Customs/Traditions, Miscellaneous, Spirituality

Do you know the meaning of Swastik Symbol? Swastik is a symbol that is invariably used in all Hindu rituals. The symbol is enclosed in this article too for your reference. It is impossible that you have not seen this symbol. It was also used by Hitler as a symbol of his rule and power. […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on November 22, 2012
Indian marriage ceremonies, Meaning of the saat pheras, prajapati, wedding vows
Customs/Traditions, Miscellaneous

Hindu wedding has many rituals one of such rituals that is omnipresent in all Indian weddings is the saat pheras. We will now discuss what is the meaning of the saath pheras, why is it taken and why the marriage is considered incomplete without them. Well the saat pheras are seven rounds that the newly […]