By Mrs Manjeet Brar on May 13, 2020
mind, unexplained
Dream Analysis

आज कलम खामोश क्यूँ कुछ उदास है क्यों इक अनकही बात की कोई आस है आज कुछ यूंही रिश्तों का दौर आया याद क्या था खूबसूरत समां न कोई फ़रियाद आज भी रिश्ते तो शिद्दत से निभाते हैं जो गुज़रे दौर के ज़माने याद आते हैं वजह तो कुछ और है पर उसे छुपाते हैं […]
By Sudipta Ray on March 15, 2017
Clairvoyance, dream
Dream Analysis

We have often dreamt and we dream every day. Sometimes we wish that dreams come true and sometimes we wish that perhaps this dream we had should never come true. Why do we dream at the first place? Dreams have been with man since eternity and it will be there with us forever. The power […]
By Sudipta Ray on September 5, 2012
bad dreams, Dream Analysis, meaning of dreams, what do dreams want to tell us
Dream Analysis

When was it last that you had a bad dream and no matter how much you try you are not able to forget it. It is affecting your peace of mind and you really don’t know how to deal with it. Some of us keep dreaming the same dreams again and again. We cannot control […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on July 22, 2012
Dream Analysis, metaphysics, sleep patterns
Dream Analysis, Miscellaneous

Whatever we see and feel is nothing but a dream within a dream. Isn’t it so I am sure you must have felt this many time and even déjà vu. Every day when we sleep we dream. Some dreams we remember and some we forget. Well dreams perhaps have made the world what it is. […]
By Daisy Astrologer on November 21, 2011
analysis dream
Dream Analysis, Miscellaneous

As mentioned in a previous article the mysteries that dreams carry have surged the curiosity of the human mind to analysis of the dream since it carries massages that may have meaning to the person, that one does not understand the meaning too. Analysis of the dream has been practiced from the down of civilization, […]
By Sudipta Ray on November 16, 2011
free dream analysis online
Dream Analysis, Miscellaneous

Today free dream analysis online has become a craze that many web surface resort to find solutions to puzzling dreams they may have encounter during their sleep. The internet has been chosen by many surfers since it offers many free services that would be charged for if one was to visit a dream analyst. It […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on November 9, 2011
Dream Analysis
Dream Analysis, Miscellaneous

Dream analysis has baffled man ever since he began to reason and manipulates his surrounding to suit his requirements, the mystery of dreaming has created mystery in each person’s life and studies aimed at decoding dream mystery are still ongoing. Studies have shown that not only man has dreams but most mammals seem to have […]