By Dr Divya Mittal on March 30, 2017
animal rights, PETA
Today we are going to talk about animal rights and their right to coexist along with humans. The fact of the matter is that in the current times, cruelty against animals is all time high and this needs to stop. Their rights are as important as human rights and the passages below give a comparison […]
By s.heeralal on December 31, 2016
Politics from Metaphysical Viewpoint
Whereas the basis of politics should be to serve the society in best possible way It has become just a tool to get position and power, such has it gone astray There is no relationship, even the most pious ones are put at stake for power seat Instead of the warmth in relationships, there is […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on December 9, 2016
Idol Worship
Today we will discuss about a very controversial topic which is idol worship. I am saying controversial since many religions of the world prohibit idol worship while others stress on idol worship. NB: please note that this post is not for or against any religion or does not support or defy idol worship but tries […]
By sonia verma on November 9, 2016
We at Metaphysics Knowledge usually keep away from political stuff no matter how big the issue or important the debate. Yet at some places it can be seen that spirituality, religion, politics and life intermingle to such an extent that it is difficult to see it in isolation so here we are with our views […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on September 29, 2016
surgical strike
When all the nation celebrates the surgical strikes, we try to see from the perspective another Seeing from the patriotic sense, one has to retaliate when it is a question of country, The Mother Violence may not be justified in most aspects of life, but in some areas Gita does permit to take a life […]
By EnnisDuff on August 23, 2016
Kids are the nearest forms of human beings which are closest to God They are always kept aside, whether it is dacoity, bad deeds or fraud Even the worst of criminals have a soul, they do not use kids at all Yet some people in the name of Islam do so, such great is their […]
By Jyotsna on August 4, 2016
faith, vishwas
Sometimes small incidents in life provide you with an entirely new perspective, provided you have the silence to listen inside. Today I am going to share a similar small but true story. As I rode on my bike from my office to home for lunch, I met a fragile old man who wanted a lift. […]
By Sudipta Ray on June 27, 2016
kids, school
The summer vacations are on now. In sometime the vacations will be over and the kids will be back to school. We have made the schools so important that we get so stressed with the education system. We will now discuss how we can make schools a better experience for both the kids as well […]
By Sudipta Ray on June 5, 2016
child, relationship
You might wonder on reading the heading as to what is this post doing on a site related to metaphysics and spirituality. Well just a little reflection would show that since child is the father (mother) of man (kind) it is important to nurture and nourish the child so as to have a better future […]
By Sudipta Ray on April 17, 2016
We often come across a different type of people in the world we like some and we do not like some. It is easy to get along with people whom we like and love. It is equally difficult to get along with people we do not like. It is human nature to like and not […]