By nishichawla on July 20, 2024
Guru Dakshina, Guru Purnima
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

In this article related to Guru Purnima, let us find out the importance of this day. But before going in the details of the Guru Purnima, let us find out what exactly is a Guruin the true sense of the word. Guru in Hinduism means teacher. In Hinduism the Guru has been given the status […]
By Vedantacharya Bhatt on November 4, 2021
Diwali festival, Festival of lights
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

Diwali the festival of lights and it is one of the most important festivals in Inda. 10 points related to the significance of Diwali will help you to understand why Diwali is so important why it is celebrated in India with so much of enthusiasm. Diwali is an old festival that has been celebrated in […]
By Pt Ram Dhiraj Mishra on August 28, 2021
Janamashtami, Lord Krishna Pooja
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

As we approach Sri Krishna Janamashtami midnight, many of us want to perform the Pooja of our beloved Kanha who is born on this pious night and receive maximum blessings. Ideally as we keep stressing many times at our website and articles too, that for doing a Prayer you do not need an auspicious time […]
By Deepak Chopra on November 4, 2018
Dhanteras, Diwali Puja, significance of Dhanteras
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

Dhanteras this year will be celebrated on 5 November 2018. It is one of the most significant days in the Hindu calendar and comes on the thirteenth day of the dark fortnight of Kartik month. It always falls in October or November. A day or two before the Diwali is Dhanteras. For today the auspicious […]
By Sudipta Ray on July 28, 2018
hindu, rape

In India many cases are reported everyday of women being raped and harassed. The obvious question that comes to our mind is that perhaps men in India are not taught to respect women and it has been a tradition to force themselves on women. In this article we will try to understand if rape culture […]
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on March 24, 2018
chance, life, Meditation

Change while you can, for there is still a chance of life Dont be afraid as there will always be trouble and strife Whatever you do, do it fully, remember its never too late Let others think what they should, you decide your fate Law of karma will ensure that you get what you deserve […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on March 15, 2018
God, happy, joy

Learn to be happy always and at all times Learn to always spread cheers and chimes If you are happy without any solid reason If it doesnt matter, which situation or season Then you have risen above circumstances, a yogi Else you are just bound in chains, like a bhogi There is never a reason […]
By Jyotsna on January 16, 2018
मोती, सागर

ज़िन्दगी की जंग है इक सागर में उतरे हुए जहाज़ की तरह ओ भाई जिसने इसमें गहरी छलांग ली, उसी बहादुर मानव ने सफलता है पाई जो किनारे पे खड़े लहरों से दर जाते हैं जो सागर के असीम थपेड़ों से खौफ खाते हैं वो कभी भी गहराई का अंदाज़ नहीं लगा पाते हैं तो […]
By ravi_abhishek on December 25, 2017
Phone to Santa Claus, Santa Claus
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

We all are familiar with Santa Claus and no matter how old we are the fascination of Santa Claus just refuses to die. Have you ever wondered how the concept of the Santa Claus came up and has survived for so many years? We will try to discuss all about the charming and eternal Santa […]
By Jyotsna on December 24, 2017
Christmas, kids games, Xmas
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

Christmas is the festive season that we all look forward to. It is even more special for the little children. If you have little children then you may use this article for ideas on how the festival can be made more fun for children.